Virginia USA Wrestling Cadet/Junior
State Wrestling Tournament
Hermitage H.S. May 18-20, 2001

Junior Greco
Junior Freestyle
Cadet Greco
Cadet Freestyle

Pictures are thumbnails. Click to Enlarge.

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Anthony Burke working on top. Justin Staylor (red) fighting off a snap. Mat Chairman Mike Newbern and Kevin Parker keep up with the match. Good turnout at freestyle states. Brent Jones (red) ties up in Cadet 182.5. We wonder, when will Broughman (blue) get a haircut.
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B.J. Compton lifts, he later touch falled his opponent. Duder Edmunds of PWA tries to lace up Panther's Nelson Hedley Kelly Guempel talking to Hedley during a break. Zach Weisberg tangled with his opponent. Gut wrench time. Brandon Hardy tilting for points
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 Cadet Freestyle
1. Michael Weatherholtz

No Entries

1. Jarrel Adams (Eastern District)
2. Ronnie Mills (Gunston)
Adams tech fall Mills 11-0.

Finals: Ryan Broughman (Botetourt) tech fall Justin Staylor (Great Bridge) 14-2.
3rd Place: Jordan Adams (Eastern District) dec. Matt Taylor (Raptors) 5-2.
5th Place: Travis Muhler (Raptors) pin Sergio Pollock (Hawkey East) 2:14.
Taylor tech fall Donte Riddick (Salem) 10-0.
Broughman tech fall Shane Collins (Ashland) 10-0.
Robert Douglas (Southeast WC) pin Andrew Curran (PWA) 2:30.
Pollock tech fall David LeClaire (Deep Creek) 11-0.
Brandon Bradley (Henrico) dec. Dustin Honeycutt (Broadway) 9-6.
Adams tech fall Steven Terry (PWA) 10-0.
Muhler pin Ryan Whitney (Southeast WC) 3:45.
Broughman dec. Taylor 10-2.
Riddick dec. Collins 6-5.
Pollock pin Curran :45.
Douglas tech fall LeClaire 10-0.
Staylor pin Bradley :44.
Adams pin Honeycutt 2:25.
Muhler (Raptors) pin Terry 1:00.
Taylor dec. Douglas 10-2.
Broughman tech fall Riddick 12-1.
Adams tech fall Bradley 10-0.
Staylor pin Whitney :35.
Taylor tech fall Pollock 11-0.
Broughman pin Douglas 3:23.
Broughman pin Pollock :16.
Adams dec. Muhler 12-6.
Staylor tech fall Muhler 10-0.
Staylor tech fall Adams 12-2.

Finals: Anthony Burke (PWA) dec. B.J. Compton (Hawkeye East) 4-2.
3rd Place: Van Gray (Great Neck) dec. John Williams (Eastern District) 8-3.
5th Place: Josh Curry (Fort Defiance) default Brandon Summers (Fort Defiance)
Brandon Moore (Great Bridge) dec. Sean Buckner (Deep Creek) 6-2.
Compton tech fall Williams 11-1.
Rashon Taylor (Salem) dec. Tavaris Parrish (Southeast WC) 5-1.
Josh Curry (Fort Defiance) pin Zach Weisberg (Western Branch) 1:45.
Burke tech fall Matt Peters (Massanutten) 12-0.
Gray tech fall Kyle LeClaire (Deep Creek) 10-0.
Barry Long (Southeast WC) pin Chris Clarke (Matoaca) :33.
Compton pin Moore :13.
Williams tech fall Buckner 10-0.
Weisberg dec. Parrish 3-0.
Curry pin Taylor 1:20.
Burke tech fall Summers 10-0.
Gray tech fall Peters 15-4.
LeClaire tech fall Clarke 13-1.
Williams pin Moore 1:05.
Compton tech fall Curry 14-2.
Weisberg dec. Taylor 9-4.
Burke dec. Gray 3-1, OT.
Summers dec. Long 13-5.
Compton tech fall Weisberg 11-0.
Williams tech fall Curry 11-0.
Burke tech fall Long 10-0.
Summers dec. LeClaire 4-2.
Gray tech fall Summers 13-1.

Finals: Brandon Hardy (PWA) tech fall Trevor Ryder (Gunston) 12-1.
3rd Place: Jay Chichester (Raptors) tech fall Huy Vu (Talon) 13-3.
5th Place: Ray Gates (Kempsville) dec. Scott Pond (Great Neck) 4-2.
Andrew Gusler (Hawkeye East) dec. Gates 6-4.
Brett Albertson (King George) pin Daniel Mondak (Ashland) :45.
Hardy tech fall Travis Kelley (Raptors) 11-0.
Vu tech fall Matt Armstrong 1:32.
Darnell Hooker (PWA) pin Jimmy Huffman (Massanutten) :45.
Pond dec. Ryder 8-6.
Chichester pin Duder Edmunds (PWA) :51.
Nelson Hedley (Panther) tech fall Robbie Macaioni (Chesterfield) 10-0.
Gates tech fall Mondak 10-0.
Gusler pin Albertson 1:07.
Hardy tech fall Armstrong 11-0.
Vu tech fall Kelley 10-0.
Ryder tech fall Huffman 14-1.
Pond dec. Hooker 12-3.
Chichester tech fall Macaioni 11-0.
Edmunds inj. def. Hedley.
Gates tech fall Albertson 11-0.
Hardy pin Gusler 1:28.
Ryder tech fall Hooker 12-1.
Chichester pin Pond 1:53.
Hardy pin Gates 1:25.
Vu pin Gusler :52.
Ryder tech fall Chichester 14-3.
Pond dec. Edmunds 8-0.
Hardy pin Vu :35.

Finals: Donny Ooton (PWA) tech fall Bryan Wells (Southeast WC) 11-0.
3rd Place: Nick Ramsey (Kempsville) def. Hunter Davenport (Great Bridge).
5th Place: Ernest Tucker (Panther) dec. Robert Buck (Hawkeye East) 8-4.
Buck pin Tim Evans (Kellam) 1:37.
Damien Tanner (Massanutten) pin Michael Dennis (Liberty) 1:15.
Jon Brown (Grundy) dec. Jameson Greco (Great Bridge) 4-3.
Davenport dec. Adam Fillmore (Blacksburg) 5-0.
Wells dec. Luke Siler (Brentsville) 14-8.
Ramsey tech fall Kevin Hackett (Great Bridge) 10-0.
Tucker tech fall Jon Huckabee (Panther) 10-0.
Ooton tech fall Danny McDowell (Patrick Henry) 13-2.
Abe Taylor (Chickahominy) pin Gideon Youn (Gunston) 2:25.
Donald Motley (Deep Creek) tech fall Jesse Riggleman (Shenandoah) 10-0.
Evans pin Dennis 3:02.
Buck tech fall Tanner 11-1.
Fillmore pin Brown :53.
Siler pin Greco 1:15.
Wells pin Davenport 2:13.
Ramsey tech fall Huckabee 10-0.
Tucker dec. Hackett 6-5.
Ooton tech fall Taylor 11-0.
Motley pin Youn 1:45.
Tanner dec. Evans 6-5.
Buck tech fall Brown 12-1.
Wells tech fall Fillmore 10-0.
Ramsey tech fall Tucker 11-1.
Ooton pin Motley 1:32.
McDowell tech fall Taylor 11-0.
Davenport tech fall Buck 11-0.
Wells pin Tanner 1:55.
Ooton dec. Ramsey 8-6.
Tucker dec. McDowell 9-6.
Ramsey tech fall Motley 10-0.
Ooton tech fall Tucker 11-0.
Wells tech fall Buck 16-5.

Finals: Scott Fisher (Raptors) dec. Jackie Toney (Hawkeye East) 4-2.
3rd Place: John Villanueva (Gunston) pin David Emison (Raptors) 3:38.
5th Place: Josh Kunz (Gunston) dec. Justin Jordan (Panther) 10-5.
Fisher tech fall John Tayler (Massanutten) 11-0.
Villanueva tech fall Rodney Hamby 10-0.
Jordan tech fall Dustin McCabe (PWA) 12-0.
Emison tech fall Davey Simmons (Massanutten) 15-3.
Toney tech fall Andrew Robarge 10-0.
Kunz tech fall Wayne Huggins (DWC) 10-0.
Fisher pin Hamby :37.
Jordan tech fall Tayler 10-0.
Villanueva tech fall McCabe 10-0.
Emison tech fall Robarge 12-0.
Kunz tech fall Simmons 14-3.
Toney pin Huggins 1:15.
Fisher tech fall Villanueva 10-0.
Fisher tech fall Jordan 10-0.
Villanueva dec. Jordan 9-7.
Toney pin Emison :25.
Emison pin Kunz :54.
Toney pin Kunz :35.

Finals: Brock Jardine (Massanutten) pin J.T. Pruitt (Grundy) 3:37.
3rd Place: Dale Pellar (Raptors) dec. Richard Weimer (Southeast WC) 6-5.
5th Place: Adam Yates (Grundy) dec. Thad Walker (Massanutten) 12-4.
Pellar tech fall Matt Hall (Great Neck) 12-0.
Jardine pin J.T. King (Great Bridge) 2:28.
Weimer tech fall Luke Morrell (Great Neck) 10-0.
Pruitt dec. Walker 7-5.
Pellar dec. Yates 10-5.
Jardine pin Hall 2:55.
Walker dec. Morrell 10-3.
Pruitt tech fall Weimer 12-2.
Jardine dec. Pellar 10-4.
Yates pin King 3:52.
Jardine tech fall Yates 12-0.
Weimer pin Walker :22.

1. Ajay Foreman (Great Bridge)
2. Chris Goings (West Fairfax)
3. David Talebian (West Fairfax)
Jack Hetrick (West Fairfax) default Kyle Bell (PWA).
Talebian dec. Mike George (Great Neck) 8-7.
Foreman tech fall Kyle Burnham 10-0.
Goings pin Hetrick 10-0.
George pin Burnham 1:48.
Foreman dec. Talebian 9-3.
Talebian pin Hetrick 1:30.
Goings tech fall George 16-5.
Foreman tech fall Goings 10-0.
Goings dec. Talebian 9-7.

1. Patrick Bond (Great Bridge)
2. Brent Jones (Gunston)
3. John George (Great Neck)
Jones pin Shea Smith (Southeast WC)
Willy Johnson (Raptors) dec. Mike Niedermeyer (Deep Creek) 8-2.
Bond dec. George 13-4.
Jones pin Niedermeyer :45.
George teah fall Smith 10-0.
Bond tech fall Johnson 11-0.
Bond dec. Jones 7-0.
George dec. Johnson 4-1.
Jones dec. Johnson 12-3.

1. Stuart McGee (Massanutten)
2. Chris Corbin (Raptors)
3. Nick Stallings (Great Bridge)
Adam Embrey (Massanutten) pin David Schuleter (Blacksburg) 2:37.
Stallings pin Rob Arthur (Blacksburg) :15.
McGee tech fall Corbin 13-1.
Stallings pin Embrey 2:40.
Corbin dec. Schlueter 8-0.
McGee pin Arthur :06.
Corbin dec. Embrey 4-0.
McGee tech fall Stallings 13-3.
Corbin dec. Stallings 6-3.

1. Zane Metzler (Southeast WC)


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