Peninsula Youth Wrestling League
Tournament March 30 & 31, 2001 Abbreviations used: First letter of weightclass indicates division – P for PeeWee, B for Bantam, M for Midget, N for Novice, S for Schoolboy/girl, and C for Cadet. Teams – COB = Cobras GLO = Gloucester JAG = Jaguars LAN = Lancaster MAT = Mathews MON = Monarchs NK= New Kent P2W = Pin 2 Win POQ = Poquoson SYW = Smithfield TAB = Tabb WAR = Warwick WWC = Williamsburg YA = Youth America Weight: P37.8 1st: Bradley Reynolds SYW 2nd: Kirby Gross P2W 3rd: Tommy Cleckner JAG Weight: P42.4 1st: Dallas Coombs SYW 2nd: Rafiq Baskerville MON 3rd: Zach Evans GLO Weight: P46.3 1st: Russell Fly WWC 2nd: Nicholas Kennedy SYW 3rd: LeRoy Washington MON 4th: Kenneth Smith GLO Weight: P47.8 1st: Brody Scott WWC 2nd: Cody Hyle SYW 3rd: Jacob Cheatham COB 4th: Reid Eaton NK Weight: P49.9 1st: Ransom Batchelor SYW 2nd: Cooper Beverly LAN 3rd: Nick Ravida WWC Weight: P54.8 1st: Kody Farrington POQ 1st: Stanley Hazy JAG Weight: P64.8 1st: Chad Amos GLO Weight: B44.8 1st: Thomas Payne POQ 2nd: Russ Porter POQ 3rd: Blake West POQ 4th: Dreux Elliott TAB Weight: B48.9 1st: Travis Bradley NK 2nd: Sidney Hall WWC 3rd: Kyle Mechling NK 4th: Alex Direnzo GLO Weight: B50.6 1st: Vincent Alonzo POQ 2nd: Tyler Guy GLO 3rd: Joey Dance NK 4th: Joshua Hall TAB Weight: B52.6 1st: Hunter Eutsler TAB 2nd: Hagan Witt GLO 3rd: George Batchelor SYW 4th: Trey Gregory NK Weight: B55.8 1st: Eric Salmon NK 2nd: Mike Newman COB 3rd: Ricky Deel JAG 4th: Patou Griggs COB Weight: B59.5 1st: Nolan Schultz NK 2nd: Delontae Garrett JAG 3rd: Russell Reed MAT 4th: Craig Skalski POQ Weight: B62.8 1st: Jordan Kelly POQ 2nd: Clarke Austin TAB 3rd: Trent Strong P2W 4th: Alexander Killam COB Weight: B69.2 1st: Nathan Freeman NK 2nd: Nathaniel Mullen MON 3rd: Ian O'Brien MAT 4th: Rodney Swanson WWC Weight: B75.8 1st: Devontae Garrett JAG 2nd: Zachery Harwood WWC 3rd: Christophr Kennedy SYW Weight: B81.5 1st: Shaun Cvengros WWC 2nd: Steven Tilton JAG Weight: B89.4 1st: Alexander Ellis COB 2nd: Casey Lewis NK 3rd: Petey Hazy JAG Weight: B98.7 1st: Michael Cowles WWC 2nd: Charles Crockett MAT Weight: M46.5 1st: Ian Stricklett POQ 2nd: Stefan Zemaitis SYW Weight: M56.1 1st: Evan Direnzo GLO 2nd: Alex Holland SYW 3rd: J. C. Griggs COB 4th: Shayne Peacock GLO Weight: M59.6 1st: Marshall Robinson SYW 2nd: Jeffrey Armstrong POQ 3rd: Lane Swan SYW 4th: Dylan Long NK Weight: M62.6 1st: Travis Reinhart POQ 2nd: Cannon Walden POQ 3rd: Lamar Bryant JAG 4th: Joshua Goodnite NK Weight: M66.5 1st: Brandon Cohick GLO 2nd: Ben Lisle WWC 3rd: Brian McCann COB 4th: Ricardo Williams LAN Weight: M69.7 1st: Sean Henry COB 2nd: Cameron Barnes JAG 3rd: Jodey McNeil P2W 4th: Joseph Lucido POQ Weight: M72 1st: Thomas Batchelor SYW 2nd: Sammy Sanchez POQ 3rd: Glen Everett POQ 4th: Willie Driscoll NK Weight: M75 1st: Steven Coon YA 2nd: James Ford JAG 3rd: Matthew Zapf COB 4th: Zach Westfall POQ Weight: M79.5 1st: Austin Hallinger POQ 2nd: Dustin Collins SYW 3rd: Alex Atkins GLO 4th: Jacob Frye TAB Weight: M88.2 1st: Drew Whitlow GLO 2nd: Adam Hyle SYW 3rd: Patrick Sopko MAT 4th: Dakota Dolan GLO Weight: M93.4 1st: Justin Bunch POQ 2nd: Rudger Shankland TAB 3rd: Colin Lenhardt GLO 4th: Miles Foley NK Weight: M106 1st: Woody Stephens LAN 2nd: Cody Smith MAT Weight: M116 1st: Xavier Hopkins JAG 2nd: Craig O'Brien WWC 3rd: Tyler Pittman LAN 4th: Josh Pittman LAN Weight: N63.8 1st: Travis Unwin COB 2nd: Aaron Zaruba TAB 3rd: Dodd Mitchell GLO 4th: Emily Bradley NK Weight: N67.7 1st: Colton Crabtree POQ 2nd: Ronnie Thacker JAG 3rd: Trabian Faulcon P2W 4th: Brad Berrier MAT Weight: N72.5 1st: Brian DelGrosso COB 2nd: Benjamin Canning WWC 3rd: Sam Frere LAN 4th: Ian Ferguson WWC Weight: N76.1 1st: Kayton Marshall COB 2nd: Kyle Harwood WWC 3rd: Zack Draskovic WWC 4th: Joe Burton NK Weight: N80.8 1st: Tony Pizzo P2W 2nd: Michael Turner MON 3rd: Sean Zemaitis SYW 4th: Mark Winder POQ Weight: N83.4 1st: Joseph Overton POQ 2nd: Chase McAdams YA 3rd: Levi Scott NK 4th: Tommy Morris MAT Weight: N87.4 1st: Aaron Keeton POQ 2nd: Lance Long LAN 3rd: Jacob Jones P2W 4th: Robert Lally LAN Weight: N92.0 1st: Reuben Brooks COB 2nd: Nolan Martin POQ 3rd: Josh Teter GLO 4th: Michael Smith WWC Weight: N97.9 1st: Coty Reinhart POQ 2nd: Todd Williams P2W 3rd: Nicholas Hillard NK 4th: Corbin Marchand LAN Weight: N103 1st: Bruce Nelson JAG 2nd: Hunter Foley NK 3rd: Michael Engle GLO 4th: Thomas Frere LAN Weight: N111 1st: Patrick Foley NK 2nd: Brandon Covington JAG 3rd: Brandon Hudgins MAT 4th: Erick Marlow LAN Weight: N119 1st: Ajay Merrick POQ 2nd: Antwine Pittman JAG 3rd: Jonathan George LAN 4th: Jamie Smith P2W Weight: N126 1st: Teon Sumpter P2W 2nd: Allen Hopkins POQ 3rd: Patrick Jones WWC 4th: Taylor Clark LAN Weight: N136 1st: Nick Hornbeck TAB 2nd: Dylan Sharpe POQ 3rd: Jason Verlander LAN 4th: Bobby Martin COB Weight: N145 1st: Jarred Corbett P2W 2nd: Jeremy Gotterup YA 3rd: James Hooper MAT 4th: Timmy Douglas NK Weight: N168 1st: James Handler NK 2nd: Paul Vest LAN Weight: S73 1st: Jed Duncan POQ 2nd: Scott Holland SYW 3rd: Christian Grimm NK Weight: S78.6 1st: Andre Bland P2W 2nd: Jeff DelGrosso COB 3rd: John Held WWC Weight: S87.9 1st: Gregory Todd GLO 2nd: Josh Parrish COB 3rd: John Sendzik COB 4th: Chris Stapleton WWC Weight: S91.2 1st: Robbie Williams GLO 2nd: Elliott Hogge JAG 3rd: Joshua Reamon MON 4th: Mark Massey POQ Weight: S98.2 1st: Kyle Ruff P2W 2nd: Derek Gallagher WWC 3rd: William Harcum WWC 4th: Brian Riley MAT Weight: S105 1st: Cory Collins SYW 2nd: Jesse Painter GLO 3rd: Ryan Kurtz WWC 4th: Jacob Jackson LAN Weight: S108 1st: Titus Dudley JAG 2nd: Antonio Chaffin P2W 3rd: Marc Ramirez COB 4th: Scott Hopkins YA Weight: S114 1st: Adrian Parker COB 2nd: Mike Zapf COB 3rd: Jacobi Fenner JAG 4th: Craig McLellon POQ Weight: S122 1st: David Jackson COB 2nd: Karl Wood POQ 3rd: Kyle Jones P2W 4th: Ryan Lucas GLO Weight: S128 1st: Daniel Allen NK 2nd: Ray Meade WAR 3rd: Timothy Turner MON 4th: Tim Blake LAN Weight: S140 1st: Charles Sykes JAG 2nd: Stefan Blixt NK 3rd: Patrick Martin COB 4th: Jarret Holden JAG Weight: S146 1st: Nick Medina YA 2nd: George Handler NK 3rd: Chris Cole MON 4th: Mizell Henderson JAG Weight: S153 1st: Kenneth Dudley JAG 2nd: Jonathan Frith LAN Weight: S173 1st: Gary Wardlow LAN 2nd: Wayne Forrest POQ 3rd: T. J. Farrington POQ Weight: S219 1st: Lamar Tynes P2W 2nd: Ben Hillard NK Weight: C111 1st: Bryan Ausink P2W 2nd: Brian Forestiere JAG 3rd: Jon Wood WAR 4th: James Smith MAT Weight: C119 1st: Ken McMillen TAB 2nd: Myron McKellar COB 3rd: Erik Grimm NK Weight: C137 1st: Mike Garcia COB 2nd: Stephen Pociluyko MON 3rd: Candice Hornbeck TAB Weight: C156 1st: Richard Shoemaker MON 2nd: Colin Nelson COB Weight: C198 1st: R. J. May MON 2nd: Devin Davis LAN |