Agie Skeens Memorial Tournament
Riverview Elementary-Middle School
12/27/04 And 12/28/04

Weight: 103

-Terrell Coles RAH A----------+
     0-  0   Bout:      1     |-Terrell Coles RAH A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    225         |-Terrell Coles RAH A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:      2         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |
                                                                       Bout:    561         |-Harry Glenn MT A-------------+
-Harry Glenn MT A-------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:59          |
     0-  0   Bout:      3     |-Harry Glenn MT A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    226         |-Harry Glenn MT A-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:32                                         |
         Bout:      4         |-Richie Schneider NMB A-------+                                                             |
-Richie Schneider NMB A-------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    729         |-Harry Glenn MT A-------------+
-Josh Hedrick TA A------------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 17-8          |
     0-  0   Bout:      5     |-Josh Hedrick TA A------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    227         |-Clay Cundiff NS B------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:16          |                              |                              |
         Bout:      6         |-Clay Cundiff NS B------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Clay Cundiff NS B------------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    562         |-Damien Cook RH A-------------+                              |
-Brian Gordon TA B------------+                                                             |           Fall 5:00                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:      7     |-Brian Gordon TA B------------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    228         |-Damien Cook RH A-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:13                                                                        |
         Bout:      8         |-Damien Cook RH A-------------+                                                                                            |
-Damien Cook RH A-------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    816         |-Devon Puriefoy AB A----------
-Devon Puriefoy AB A----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:      9     |-Devon Puriefoy AB A----------+                                                                                            |           Dec 13-8
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    229         |-Devon Puriefoy AB A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:15          |                                                             |
         Bout:     10         |-Austin Koeneman NS C---------+                              |                                                             |
-Austin Koeneman NS C---------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    563         |-Devon Puriefoy AB A----------+                              |
-Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                                                             |           Dec 10-3           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     11     |-Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    230         |-Matt Slone SC A--------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-4                                          |                              |
         Bout:     12         |-Matt Slone SC A--------------+                                                             |                              |
-Matt Slone SC A--------------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    730         |-Devon Puriefoy AB A----------+
-Ian Singletary VH A----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:20
     0-  0   Bout:     13     |-Ian Singletary VH A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    231         |-Ian Singletary VH A----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:02          |                              |
         Bout:     14         |-Chris Bostic PB A------------+                              |                              |
-Chris Bostic PB A------------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    564         |-Cameron Hurd NS A------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                                                             |           Fall :49
         Bout:     15         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    232         |-Cameron Hurd NS A------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
         Bout:     16         |-Cameron Hurd NS A------------+
-Cameron Hurd NS A------------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    337         |-Bye--------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    449         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Cameron Hurd NS A------------+
                               -Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    617         |-Chris Bostic PB A------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    338         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    450         |-Chris Bostic PB A------------+         Bout:    673         |-Clay Cundiff NS B------------+         Bout:    785         |-Cameron Hurd NS A------------+
                               -Chris Bostic PB A------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:48          |                              |            Dec 6-2           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Clay Cundiff NS B------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    339         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    451         |-Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                                        Bout:    757         |-Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                              |
                               -Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 2:00                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    618         |-Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    340         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:29          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    452         |-Austin Koeneman NS C---------+         Bout:    674         |-Jonathan Neely RH B----------+                                        Bout:    815         |-Damien Cook RH A-------------
                               -Austin Koeneman NS C---------+                                                             |           Fall 2:30                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Terrell Coles RAH A----------+                                                                                            |          T-Fall 18-2
         Bout:    341         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    453         |-Brian Gordon TA B------------+                                                              -Damien Cook RH A-------------+                              |
                               -Brian Gordon TA B------------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    619         |-Josh Hedrick TA A------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    342         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 5-3           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    454         |-Josh Hedrick TA A------------+         Bout:    675         |-Ian Singletary VH A----------+         Bout:    786         |-Damien Cook RH A-------------+
                               -Josh Hedrick TA A------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:24          |                              |            Dec 7-2
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Ian Singletary VH A----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    343         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    455         |-Richie Schneider NMB A-------+                                        Bout:    758         |-Matt Slone SC A--------------+
                               -Richie Schneider NMB A-------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 2:35
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    620         |-Richie Schneider NMB A-------+                              |
         Bout:    344         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    456         |-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    676         |-Matt Slone SC A--------------+
                               -Bye--------------------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:30
                                                                                             -Matt Slone SC A--------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Jonathan Neely RH B----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    814         |-Matt Slone SC A--------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Matt Slone SC A--------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 8-2

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Devon Puriefoy AB A                     4-  0             5th Matt Slone SC A                         4-  2
                               2nd Harry Glenn MT A                        3-  1             6th Jonathan Neely RH B                     3-  3
                               3rd Damien Cook RH A                        4-  1
                               4th Cameron Hurd NS A                       2-  2

Weight: 112

-Rocky Alling VH A------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     17     |-Rocky Alling VH A------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    233         |-Rocky Alling VH A------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :59           |
         Bout:     18         |-Josh Fleshman NS B-----------+                              |
-Josh Fleshman NS B-----------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    565         |-Rocky Alling VH A------------+
-Brandon Norris RR A----------+                                                             |           Fall 4:30          |
     0-  0   Bout:     19     |-Brandon Norris RR A----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    234         |-Brandon Norris RR A----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 8-3                                          |
         Bout:     20         |-William Bott JJK A-----------+                                                             |
-William Bott JJK A-----------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    731         |-Rocky Alling VH A------------+
-Shane Wilson TAZ A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 4:39          |
     0-  0   Bout:     21     |-Shane Wilson TAZ A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    235         |-Shane Wilson TAZ A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:47          |                              |                              |
         Bout:     22         |-Evan Simmons RC A------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Evan Simmons RC A------------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    566         |-Tyler Deacon NS A------------+                              |
-Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+                                                             |           Fall 5:30                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:     23     |-Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    236         |-Tyler Deacon NS A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 15-3                                                                        |
         Bout:     24         |-Tyler Deacon NS A------------+                                                                                            |
-Tyler Deacon NS A------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    820         |-Rocky Alling VH A------------
-Brandon Hankins GRU A--------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     25     |-Brandon Hankins GRU A--------+                                                                                            |           Fall 4:58
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    237         |-Brandon Hankins GRU A--------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :58           |                                                             |
         Bout:     26         |-Eric Johnson TAZ B-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Eric Johnson TAZ B-----------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    567         |-Brandon Hankins GRU A--------+                              |
-Tyler Grimm SC A-------------+                                                             |          T-Fall 15-0         |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     27     |-Tyler Grimm SC A-------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    238         |-Heath Edwards AL A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:30                                         |                              |
         Bout:     28         |-Heath Edwards AL A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Heath Edwards AL A-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    732         |-Coty Riggleman TA A----------+
-Michael Knight RH A----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 4:48
     0-  0   Bout:     29     |-Michael Knight RH A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    239         |-Hayden Cavender NMB A--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |              Dq              |                              |
         Bout:     30         |-Hayden Cavender NMB A--------+                              |                              |
-Hayden Cavender NMB A--------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    568         |-Coty Riggleman TA A----------+
-Corey Jarvis TA B------------+                                                             |          T-Fall 16-0
     0-  0   Bout:     31     |-Corey Jarvis TA B------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    240         |-Coty Riggleman TA A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :57
         Bout:     32         |-Coty Riggleman TA A----------+
-Coty Riggleman TA A----------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    345         |-Bye--------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    457         |-Corey Jarvis TA B------------+                                                              -Brandon Hankins GRU A--------+
                               -Corey Jarvis TA B------------+                              |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    621         |-Michael Knight RH A----------+                                                             |
         Bout:    346         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:15          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    458         |-Michael Knight RH A----------+         Bout:    677         |-Michael Knight RH A----------+         Bout:    787         |-Brandon Hankins GRU A--------+
                               -Michael Knight RH A----------+                                                             |           Dec 15-13          |                              |          M-Dec 10-2          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Shane Wilson TAZ A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    347         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    459         |-Tyler Grimm SC A-------------+                                        Bout:    759         |-Michael Knight RH A----------+                              |
                               -Tyler Grimm SC A-------------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 4:58                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    622         |-Tyler Grimm SC A-------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    348         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:45          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    460         |-Eric Johnson TAZ B-----------+         Bout:    678         |-Brandon Norris RR A----------+                                        Bout:    819         |-Brandon Hankins GRU A--------
                               -Eric Johnson TAZ B-----------+                                                             |            Dec 5-3                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Brandon Norris RR A----------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 17-8
         Bout:    349         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    461         |-Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+                                                              -Tyler Deacon NS A------------+                              |
                               -Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    623         |-Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    350         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:25          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    462         |-Evan Simmons RC A------------+         Bout:    679         |-Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+         Bout:    788         |-Tyler Deacon NS A------------+
                               -Evan Simmons RC A------------+                                                             |           Dec 10-5           |                              |          M-Dec 12-1
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Hayden Cavender NMB A--------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    351         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    463         |-William Bott JJK A-----------+                                        Bout:    760         |-Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+
                               -William Bott JJK A-----------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 3:49
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    624         |-Josh Fleshman NS B-----------+                              |
         Bout:    352         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 4-2           |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    464         |-Josh Fleshman NS B-----------+         Bout:    680         |-Josh Fleshman NS B-----------+
                               -Josh Fleshman NS B-----------+                                                             |          T-Fall 17-2
                                                                                             -Heath Edwards AL A-----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Michael Knight RH A----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    818         |-Michael Knight RH A----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Reggie Jeffcoat RH B---------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 9-2

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Rocky Alling VH A                       4-  0             5th Michael Knight RH A                     4-  2
                               2nd Coty Riggleman TA A                     3-  1             6th Reggie Jeffcoat RH B                    3-  3
                               3rd Brandon Hankins GRU A                   4-  1
                               4th Tyler Deacon NS A                       3-  2

Weight: 119

-Scratch RAH A----------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     33     |-Scratch RAH A----------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    241         |-Daniel Murray AL B-----------+
-Daniel Murray AL B-----------+                              |             Forf             |
     0-  0   Bout:     34     |-Daniel Murray AL B-----------+                              |
-Scratch GRU B----------------+             Forf                                            |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    569         |-T.J. Taylor SS A-------------+
-Dee Williams RH A------------+                                                             |           Fall 4:49          |
     0-  0   Bout:     35     |-Dee Williams RH A------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    242         |-T.J. Taylor SS A-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:30                                         |
         Bout:     36         |-T.J. Taylor SS A-------------+                                                             |
-T.J. Taylor SS A-------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    733         |-T.J. Taylor SS A-------------+
-Kaleb Bolton TA A------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 1:24          |
     0-  0   Bout:     37     |-Kaleb Bolton TA A------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    243         |-Kaleb Bolton TA A------------+                              |                              |
-Steven Marcum SC B-----------+                              |           Fall 1:42          |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     38     |-Steven Marcum SC B-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Ethan Hodges RC A------------+            Dec 6-2                                          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    570         |-Kaleb Bolton TA A------------+                              |
-Matt Kroeger AL A------------+                                                             |            Dec 1-0                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     39     |-Matt Kroeger AL A------------+                              |                                                             |
-Brad Horton VH B-------------+           Fall 1:22          |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    244         |-Matt Kroeger AL A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 8-3                                                                         |
         Bout:     40         |-Kane Weisenbarger DB A-------+                                                                                            |
-Kane Weisenbarger DB A-------+                                                                                                                           |
         (9)    0-  0                                                                                                                Bout:    824         |-Keaton Thompson VH A---------
-Billy Smith SC A-------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     41     |-Billy Smith SC A-------------+                                                                                            |           Dec 10-3
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    245         |-Billy Smith SC A-------------+                                                             |
-Richard Crozier NS B---------+                              |           Fall 4:52          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:     42     |-Richard Crozier NS B---------+                              |                                                             |
-John Cox AB A----------------+           Fall :56                                          |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    571         |-Travis Walk GRA A------------+                              |
-Travis Walk GRA A------------+                                                             |             Dflt             |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     43     |-Travis Walk GRA A------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Jonathan Griffith RC B-------+             Forf             |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    246         |-Travis Walk GRA A------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:48                                         |                              |
         Bout:     44         |-Jarrett Flinchum GRU A-------+                                                             |                              |
-Jarrett Flinchum GRU A-------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    734         |-Keaton Thompson VH A---------+
-Trent Kincer NS A------------+                                                                                            |          T-Fall 18-3
     0-  0   Bout:     45     |-Trent Kincer NS A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    247         |-Trent Kincer NS A------------+                              |
-Eddie Cook SS B--------------+                              |           Fall 3:21          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     46     |-Eddie Cook SS B--------------+                              |                              |
-Lanard Olgesby MT A----------+           Fall 3:35                                         |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    572         |-Keaton Thompson VH A---------+
-T.T. Prather NMB A-----------+                                                             |           Fall 1:45
     0-  0   Bout:     47     |-Tony Criminger RH B----------+                              |
-Tony Criminger RH B----------+          M-Dec 16-8          |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    248         |-Keaton Thompson VH A---------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:29
         Bout:     48         |-Keaton Thompson VH A---------+
-Keaton Thompson VH A---------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    353         |-Scratch GRU B----------------+
-Scratch GRU B----------------+         Bout:    465         |-Tony Criminger RH B----------+                                                              -Travis Walk GRA A------------+
                               -Tony Criminger RH B----------+             Forf             |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    625         |-Tony Criminger RH B----------+                                                             |
         Bout:    354         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 12-4          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    466         |-Eddie Cook SS B--------------+         Bout:    681         |-Matt Kroeger AL A------------+         Bout:    789         |-Travis Walk GRA A------------+
                               -Eddie Cook SS B--------------+                                                             |           Dec 11-3           |                              |          M-Dec 11-2          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Matt Kroeger AL A------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    355         |-Ethan Hodges RC A------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Ethan Hodges RC A------------+         Bout:    467         |-Jarrett Flinchum GRU A-------+                                        Bout:    761         |-Matt Kroeger AL A------------+                              |
                               -Jarrett Flinchum GRU A-------+           Fall 2:08          |                                                             |            Dec 8-2                                          |
-Brad Horton VH B-------------+                                        Bout:    626         |-Jarrett Flinchum GRU A-------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    356         |-Brad Horton VH B-------------+                              |           Dec 11-8           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    468         |-Richard Crozier NS B---------+         Bout:    682         |-Jarrett Flinchum GRU A-------+                                        Bout:    823         |-Travis Walk GRA A------------
                               -Richard Crozier NS B---------+           Fall 1:47                                         |            Dec 7-6                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Daniel Murray AL B-----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 4-2
         Bout:    357         |-John Cox AB A----------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-John Cox AB A----------------+         Bout:    469         |-John Cox AB A----------------+                                                              -Kaleb Bolton TA A------------+                              |
                               -Kane Weisenbarger DB A-------+            Dec 6-2           |                                                                                            |                              |
-Jonathan Griffith RC B-------+                                        Bout:    627         |-Steven Marcum SC B-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    358         |-Jonathan Griffith RC B-------+                              |            Dec 9-3           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    470         |-Steven Marcum SC B-----------+         Bout:    683         |-Trent Kincer NS A------------+         Bout:    790         |-Dee Williams RH A------------+
                               -Steven Marcum SC B-----------+             Forf                                            |           Fall 1:17          |                              |            Dec 6-3
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Trent Kincer NS A------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    359         |-Lanard Olgesby MT A----------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Lanard Olgesby MT A----------+         Bout:    471         |-Dee Williams RH A------------+                                        Bout:    762         |-Dee Williams RH A------------+
                               -Dee Williams RH A------------+           Fall :41           |                                                             |           Fall 2:40
-T.T. Prather NMB A-----------+                                        Bout:    628         |-Dee Williams RH A------------+                              |
         Bout:    360         |-T.T. Prather NMB A-----------+                              |            Dec 6-2           |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    472         |-T.T. Prather NMB A-----------+         Bout:    684         |-Dee Williams RH A------------+
                               -Scratch RAH A----------------+             Forf                                            |          T-Fall 16-1
                                                                                             -Billy Smith SC A-------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Matt Kroeger AL A------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    822         |-Kaleb Bolton TA A------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Kaleb Bolton TA A------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 1-0

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Keaton Thompson VH A                    4-  0             5th Kaleb Bolton TA A                       3-  2
                               2nd T.J. Taylor SS A                        3-  1             6th Matt Kroeger AL A                       4-  3
                               3rd Travis Walk GRA A                       5-  1
                               4th Dee Williams RH A                       5-  2

Weight: 125

-Joey Metzler TA A------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     49     |-Joey Metzler TA A------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    249         |-Joey Metzler TA A------------+
-Eric Shafer SC B-------------+                              |           Fall 1:26          |
     0-  0   Bout:     50     |-Alex Showalter TA B----------+                              |
-Alex Showalter TA B----------+           Fall 4:20                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    573         |-Joey Metzler TA A------------+
-Gaines Yielding VH A---------+                                                             |           Fall 4:20          |
     0-  0   Bout:     51     |-Gaines Yielding VH A---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    250         |-Gaines Yielding VH A---------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:50                                         |
         Bout:     52         |-Will Shelton RC A------------+                                                             |
-Will Shelton RC A------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    735         |-Joey Metzler TA A------------+
-Casey Conway RR A------------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 19-7          |
     0-  0   Bout:     53     |-Casey Conway RR A------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    251         |-Casey Conway RR A------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :15           |                              |                              |
         Bout:     54         |-Daniel Goad TAZ A------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Daniel Goad TAZ A------------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    574         |-Jake Hunsaker RAH A----------+                              |
-Jake Hunsaker RAH A----------+                                                             |           Fall :46                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     55     |-Jake Hunsaker RAH A----------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    252         |-Jake Hunsaker RAH A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:40                                                                        |
         Bout:     56         |-Chaz Marshall RH A-----------+                                                                                            |
-Chaz Marshall RH A-----------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    828         |-Joey Metzler TA A------------
-Kris Stiltner GRU A----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     57     |-Kris Stiltner GRU A----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:39
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    253         |-Kris Stiltner GRU A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:30          |                                                             |
         Bout:     58         |-Alex Wooley VH B-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Alex Wooley VH B-------------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    575         |-Kris Stiltner GRU A----------+                              |
-Corey Taylor NS A------------+                                                             |          M-Dec 12-3          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     59     |-Corey Taylor NS A------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    254         |-Corey Taylor NS A------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:00                                         |                              |
         Bout:     60         |-Reggie Brown GRA A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Reggie Brown GRA A-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    736         |-Kris Stiltner GRU A----------+
-Kit Smith NMB A--------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-0
     0-  0   Bout:     61     |-Kit Smith NMB A--------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    255         |-Kit Smith NMB A--------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:03          |                              |
         Bout:     62         |-Jonathan Houser AL A---------+                              |                              |
-Jonathan Houser AL A---------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    576         |-Nick Cory PC-----------------+
-Luke Duncan VHC--------------+                                                             |           Fall 4:47
     0-  0   Bout:     63     |-Luke Duncan VHC--------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    256         |-Nick Cory PC-----------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           M-Dec 9-0
         Bout:     64         |-Nick Cory PC-----------------+
-Nick Cory PC-----------------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    361         |-Eric Shafer SC B-------------+
-Eric Shafer SC B-------------+         Bout:    473         |-Luke Duncan VHC--------------+                                                              -Nick Cory PC-----------------+
                               -Luke Duncan VHC--------------+           Fall :42           |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    629         |-Luke Duncan VHC--------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    362         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 4-2           |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    474         |-Jonathan Houser AL A---------+         Bout:    685         |-Casey Conway RR A------------+         Bout:    791         |-Nick Cory PC-----------------+
                               -Jonathan Houser AL A---------+                                                             |            Dec 5-3           |                              |           Fall 1:39          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Casey Conway RR A------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    363         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    475         |-Reggie Brown GRA A-----------+                                        Bout:    763         |-Casey Conway RR A------------+                              |
                               -Reggie Brown GRA A-----------+                              |                                                             |            Dec 6-0                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    630         |-Reggie Brown GRA A-----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    364         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :55           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    476         |-Alex Wooley VH B-------------+         Bout:    686         |-Gaines Yielding VH A---------+                                        Bout:    827         |-Corey Taylor NS A------------
                               -Alex Wooley VH B-------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:45                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Gaines Yielding VH A---------+                                                                                            |            Dec 8-3
         Bout:    365         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    477         |-Chaz Marshall RH A-----------+                                                              -Jake Hunsaker RAH A----------+                              |
                               -Chaz Marshall RH A-----------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    631         |-Chaz Marshall RH A-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    366         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :51           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    478         |-Daniel Goad TAZ A------------+         Bout:    687         |-Chaz Marshall RH A-----------+         Bout:    792         |-Corey Taylor NS A------------+
                               -Daniel Goad TAZ A------------+                                                             |           Dec 17-16          |                              |            Dec 8-3
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Kit Smith NMB A--------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    367         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    479         |-Will Shelton RC A------------+                                        Bout:    764         |-Corey Taylor NS A------------+
                               -Will Shelton RC A------------+                              |                                                             |            Dec 8-2
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    632         |-Will Shelton RC A------------+                              |
         Bout:    368         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:48          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    480         |-Alex Showalter TA B----------+         Bout:    688         |-Corey Taylor NS A------------+
                               -Alex Showalter TA B----------+                                                             |           Fall 1:57
                                                                                             -Corey Taylor NS A------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Casey Conway RR A------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    826         |-Casey Conway RR A------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Jake Hunsaker RAH A----------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Joey Metzler TA A                       4-  0             5th Casey Conway RR A                       4-  2
                               2nd Kris Stiltner GRU A                     3-  1             6th Jake Hunsaker RAH A                     2-  2
                               3rd Corey Taylor NS A                       5-  1
                               4th Nick Cory PC                            3-  2

Weight: 130

-Caleb Shank TA A-------------+
     0-  0   Bout:     65     |-Caleb Shank TA A-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    257         |-Caleb Shank TA A-------------+
-Jon Lawson JJK A-------------+                              |           Fall 1:49          |
     0-  0   Bout:     66     |-Jon Lawson JJK A-------------+                              |
-John Appleton VH A-----------+          M-Dec 16-2                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    577         |-Caleb Shank TA A-------------+
-Adam Stewart DB A------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:06          |
     0-  0   Bout:     67     |-Adam Stewart DB A------------+                              |                              |
-Andrew Richardson TAZ B------+           Fall 2:59          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    258         |-Neil Kern MT A---------------+                              |
-Brandon Gordon MT B----------+                              |           Fall :58                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     68     |-Neil Kern MT A---------------+                                                             |
-Neil Kern MT A---------------+           Fall 3:10                                                                        |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    737         |-Caleb Shank TA A-------------+
-Steven Cauley NS A-----------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 11-2          |
     0-  0   Bout:     69     |-Steven Cauley NS A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    259         |-Steven Cauley NS A-----------+                              |                              |
-Justin Carpenter AL A--------+                              |           Dec 15-8           |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     70     |-Justin Carpenter AL A--------+                              |                              |                              |
-James Neece AB A-------------+           Fall 1:13                                         |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    578         |-Travis Beck RH A-------------+                              |
-Travis Beck RH A-------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:51                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:     71     |-Travis Beck RH A-------------+                              |                                                             |
-James Lawson JJK B-----------+           Fall 5:00          |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    260         |-Travis Beck RH A-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Dec 10-4                                                                         |
         Bout:     72         |-Scott Shillig RR A-----------+                                                                                            |
-Scott Shillig RR A-----------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    832         |-Caleb Shank TA A-------------
-Matt Black NMB A-------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     73     |-Matt Black NMB A-------------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 13-5
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    261         |-Matt Black NMB A-------------+                                                             |
-Cameron Coppola GRA B--------+                              |           Fall 1:00          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:     74     |-Kevin Hicks TAZ A------------+                              |                                                             |
-Kevin Hicks TAZ A------------+             Forf                                            |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    579         |-Matt Black NMB A-------------+                              |
-Brandon Jackson RC A---------+                                                             |          M-Dec 19-7          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     75     |-Brandon Jackson RC A---------+                              |                              |                              |
-Justin Freeman VH B----------+             Dflt             |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    262         |-Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+                              |                              |
-Scratch SC A-----------------+                              |           Fall 3:43                                         |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     76     |-Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+                                                             |                              |
-Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+             Forf                                                                           |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    738         |-Anthony Harvey SS A----------+
-Alfred Collins PC------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 5-3
     0-  0   Bout:     77     |-Alfred Collins PC------------+                                                             |
-Jeremy Vanover JJK C---------+           Fall 3:00          |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    263         |-Alfred Collins PC------------+                              |
-Chad Miller NMB B------------+                              |           Fall 2:53          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     78     |-Chad Miller NMB B------------+                              |                              |
-Jordan Lee PB A--------------+             Forf                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    580         |-Anthony Harvey SS A----------+
-Antonio Kelsor GRA A---------+                                                             |           Fall 5:19
     0-  0   Bout:     79     |-Tyler Staub VHC--------------+                              |
-Tyler Staub VHC--------------+           Fall 2:35          |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    264         |-Anthony Harvey SS A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :38
         Bout:     80         |-Anthony Harvey SS A----------+
-Anthony Harvey SS A----------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    369         |-John Appleton VH A-----------+
-John Appleton VH A-----------+         Bout:    481         |-John Appleton VH A-----------+                                                              -Matt Black NMB A-------------+
                               -Tyler Staub VHC--------------+           Fall 4:40          |                                                                                            |
-Andrew Richardson TAZ B------+                                        Bout:    633         |-John Appleton VH A-----------+                                                             |
         Bout:    370         |-Brandon Gordon MT B----------+                              |           Fall 2:28          |                                                             |
-Brandon Gordon MT B----------+   Fall 1:56   Bout:    482   |-Brandon Gordon MT B----------+         Bout:    689         |-Steven Cauley NS A-----------+         Bout:    793         |-Matt Black NMB A-------------+
                               -Chad Miller NMB B------------+           Fall 2:03                                         |           Fall 2:59          |                              |           Fall 3:48          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Steven Cauley NS A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    371         |-James Neece AB A-------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-James Neece AB A-------------+         Bout:    483         |-Brandon Jackson RC A---------+                                        Bout:    765         |-Steven Cauley NS A-----------+                              |
                               -Brandon Jackson RC A---------+           Fall 1:14          |                                                             |          M-Dec 17-6                                         |
-James Lawson JJK B-----------+                                        Bout:    634         |-Brandon Jackson RC A---------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    372         |-James Lawson JJK B-----------+                              |           Fall 2:24          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    484         |-James Lawson JJK B-----------+         Bout:    690         |-Brandon Jackson RC A---------+                                        Bout:    831         |-Matt Black NMB A-------------
                               -Kevin Hicks TAZ A------------+           Fall 1:34                                         |           Fall :32                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Neil Kern MT A---------------+                                                                                            |           Dec 10-4
         Bout:    373         |-Cameron Coppola GRA B--------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Cameron Coppola GRA B--------+         Bout:    485         |-Scott Shillig RR A-----------+                                                              -Travis Beck RH A-------------+                              |
                               -Scott Shillig RR A-----------+             Forf             |                                                                                            |                              |
-Justin Freeman VH B----------+                                        Bout:    635         |-Scott Shillig RR A-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    374         |-Justin Freeman VH B----------+                              |          M-Dec 12-0          |                                                             |                              |
-Scratch SC A-----------------+      Forf   Bout:    486     |-Justin Carpenter AL A--------+         Bout:    691         |-Alfred Collins PC------------+         Bout:    794         |-Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+
                               -Justin Carpenter AL A--------+             Forf                                            |            Dec 6-4           |                              |            Dec 7-4
-Jeremy Vanover JJK C---------+                                                              -Alfred Collins PC------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    375         |-Jeremy Vanover JJK C---------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Jordan Lee PB A--------------+      Forf   Bout:    487     |-Jeremy Vanover JJK C---------+                                        Bout:    766         |-Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+
                               -Adam Stewart DB A------------+           Fall 4:34          |                                                             |           Fall 3:42
-Antonio Kelsor GRA A---------+                                        Bout:    636         |-Jon Lawson JJK A-------------+                              |
         Bout:    376         |-Antonio Kelsor GRA A---------+                              |           Fall 1:26          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    488         |-Jon Lawson JJK A-------------+         Bout:    692         |-Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+
                               -Jon Lawson JJK A-------------+          T-Fall 3:47                                        |           Fall 3:58
                                                                                             -Kaleb Smith GRU A------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Steven Cauley NS A-----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    830         |-Travis Beck RH A-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Travis Beck RH A-------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fall 3:27

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Caleb Shank TA A                        4-  0             5th Travis Beck RH A                        4-  2
                               2nd Anthony Harvey SS A                     3-  1             6th Steven Cauley NS A                      3-  3
                               3rd Matt Black NMB A                        4-  1
                               4th Kaleb Smith GRU A                       5-  2

Weight: 135

-Aaron Stiltner GRU A---------+
     0-  0   Bout:     81     |-Aaron Stiltner GRU A---------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    265         |-Aaron Stiltner GRU A---------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:43          |
         Bout:     82         |-Jeff Sturgis RH B------------+                              |
-Jeff Sturgis RH B------------+                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    581         |-Aaron Stiltner GRU A---------+
-Tim Downey NMB A-------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:28          |
     0-  0   Bout:     83     |-Tim Downey NMB A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    266         |-Zack Hall PC-----------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:04                                         |
         Bout:     84         |-Zack Hall PC-----------------+                                                             |
-Zack Hall PC-----------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    739         |-Bryon Flick TA A-------------+
-Bryon Flick TA A-------------+                                                                                            |             Dflt             |
     0-  0   Bout:     85     |-Bryon Flick TA A-------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    267         |-Bryon Flick TA A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :40           |                              |                              |
         Bout:     86         |-Will Hiltebetile AB A--------+                              |                              |                              |
-Will Hiltebetile AB A--------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    582         |-Bryon Flick TA A-------------+                              |
-Josh Matney RC A-------------+                                                             |            Dec 6-2                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:     87     |-Josh Matney RC A-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    268         |-Nathan Miles VH A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:30                                                                        |
         Bout:     88         |-Nathan Miles VH A------------+                                                                                            |
-Nathan Miles VH A------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    836         |-Bryon Flick TA A-------------
-Brandon Howard SC A----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:     89     |-Brandon Howard SC A----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 8-6
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    269         |-Brandon Howard SC A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:52          |                                                             |
         Bout:     90         |-Aaron Merle NS A-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Aaron Merle NS A-------------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    583         |-Brandon Howard SC A----------+                              |
-Braun Roberts TAZ A----------+                                                             |           Fall 5:47          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:     91     |-Braun Roberts TAZ A----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    270         |-Kevin Depriest JJK A---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf                                            |                              |
         Bout:     92         |-Kevin Depriest JJK A---------+                                                             |                              |
-Kevin Depriest JJK A---------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    740         |-Cameron Felty DB A-----------+
-Tyvonne Dunam RH A-----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 7-6
     0-  0   Bout:     93     |-Tyvonne Dunam RH A-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    271         |-Cameron Felty DB A-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Dec 10-3           |                              |
         Bout:     94         |-Cameron Felty DB A-----------+                              |                              |
-Cameron Felty DB A-----------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    584         |-Cameron Felty DB A-----------+
-B.J. Lawson NS B-------------+                                                             |          Dec 3-1;OT
     0-  0   Bout:     95     |-B.J. Lawson NS B-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    272         |-Andrew Lester SS A-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :19
         Bout:     96         |-Andrew Lester SS A-----------+
-Andrew Lester SS A-----------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    377         |-Bye--------------------------+
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    489         |-B.J. Lawson NS B-------------+                                                              -Brandon Howard SC A----------+
                               -B.J. Lawson NS B-------------+                              |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    637         |-Tyvonne Dunam RH A-----------+                                                             |
         Bout:    378         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:02          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    490         |-Tyvonne Dunam RH A-----------+         Bout:    693         |-Nathan Miles VH A------------+         Bout:    795         |-Nathan Miles VH A------------+
                               -Tyvonne Dunam RH A-----------+                                                             |            Dec 6-0           |                              |            Dec 6-2           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Nathan Miles VH A------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    379         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    491         |-Braun Roberts TAZ A----------+                                        Bout:    767         |-Nathan Miles VH A------------+                              |
                               -Braun Roberts TAZ A----------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 3:30                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    638         |-Aaron Merle NS A-------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    380         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf             |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    492         |-Aaron Merle NS A-------------+         Bout:    694         |-Zack Hall PC-----------------+                                        Bout:    835         |-Andrew Lester SS A-----------
                               -Aaron Merle NS A-------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:46                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Zack Hall PC-----------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:25
         Bout:    381         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    493         |-Josh Matney RC A-------------+                                                              -Aaron Stiltner GRU A---------+                              |
                               -Josh Matney RC A-------------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    639         |-Will Hiltebetile AB A--------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    382         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:54          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    494         |-Will Hiltebetile AB A--------+         Bout:    695         |-Andrew Lester SS A-----------+         Bout:    796         |-Andrew Lester SS A-----------+
                               -Will Hiltebetile AB A--------+                                                             |           Fall 2:12          |                              |             Dflt
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Andrew Lester SS A-----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    383         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    495         |-Tim Downey NMB A-------------+                                        Bout:    768         |-Andrew Lester SS A-----------+
                               -Tim Downey NMB A-------------+                              |                                                             |          T-Fall 4:17
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    640         |-Tim Downey NMB A-------------+                              |
         Bout:    384         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Dec 15-14          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    496         |-Jeff Sturgis RH B------------+         Bout:    696         |-Kevin Depriest JJK A---------+
                               -Jeff Sturgis RH B------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:54
                                                                                             -Kevin Depriest JJK A---------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Brandon Howard SC A----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    834         |-Brandon Howard SC A----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Aaron Stiltner GRU A---------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Bryon Flick TA A                        4-  0             5th Brandon Howard SC A                     3-  2
                               2nd Cameron Felty DB A                      3-  1             6th Aaron Stiltner GRU A                    2-  2
                               3rd Andrew Lester SS A                      5-  1
                               4th Nathan Miles VH A                       4-  2

Weight: 140

-Justin Chapman SS A----------+
     0-  0   Bout:     97     |-Justin Chapman SS A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    273         |-Justin Chapman SS A----------+
-Mark Fowler RR B-------------+                              |           Fall :59           |
     0-  0   Bout:     98     |-Stephen Russell VH B---------+                              |
-Stephen Russell VH B---------+           Fall :56                                          |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    585         |-Justin Chapman SS A----------+
-Allen Boone AB A-------------+                                                             |           Fall 1:40          |
     0-  0   Bout:     99     |-Allen Boone AB A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    274         |-Allen Boone AB A-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            T-Fall                                           |
         Bout:    100         |-Andy  Mckee DB A-------------+                                                             |
-Andy  Mckee DB A-------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    741         |-Justin Chapman SS A----------+
-Cody Thompson TA A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 1:51          |
     0-  0   Bout:    101     |-Cody Thompson TA A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    275         |-Junio Mcconn AL A------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:30          |                              |                              |
         Bout:    102         |-Junio Mcconn AL A------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Junio Mcconn AL A------------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    586         |-Junio Mcconn AL A------------+                              |
-Jesse Bowman TAZ A-----------+                                                             |            Dec 4-1                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    103     |-Jesse Bowman TAZ A-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    276         |-Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf                                                                           |
         Bout:    104         |-Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+                                                                                            |
-Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    840         |-Justin Chapman SS A----------
-David Harrison RR A----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    105     |-David Harrison RR A----------+                                                                                            |          T-Fall 17-2
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    277         |-David Harrison RR A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :40           |                                                             |
         Bout:    106         |-Patrick Woodruff JJK A-------+                              |                                                             |
-Patrick Woodruff JJK A-------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    587         |-David Harrison RR A----------+                              |
-Evan Wilson VH A-------------+                                                             |           Fall :29           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    107     |-Evan Wilson VH A-------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    278         |-Evan Wilson VH A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:46                                         |                              |
         Bout:    108         |-Eric Musick SC A-------------+                                                             |                              |
-Eric Musick SC A-------------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    742         |-Labrent Epps RH A------------+
-Scratch VH A-----------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:07
     0-  0   Bout:    109     |-Scratch VH A-----------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    279         |-Paul Brammer NS A------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf             |                              |
         Bout:    110         |-Paul Brammer NS A------------+                              |                              |
-Paul Brammer NS A------------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    588         |-Labrent Epps RH A------------+
-Charles Lyttle JJK B---------+                                                             |           Fall 1:39
     0-  0   Bout:    111     |-Charles Lyttle JJK B---------+                              |
-Dustin Debord AL B-----------+           Fall :18           |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    280         |-Labrent Epps RH A------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :51
         Bout:    112         |-Labrent Epps RH A------------+
-Labrent Epps RH A------------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    385         |-Mark Fowler RR B-------------+
-Mark Fowler RR B-------------+         Bout:    497         |-Mark Fowler RR B-------------+                                                              -David Harrison RR A----------+
                               -Charles Lyttle JJK B---------+           Fall 3:30          |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    641         |-Mark Fowler RR B-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    386         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf             |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    498         |-Scratch VH A-----------------+         Bout:    697         |-Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+         Bout:    797         |-Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+
                               -Scratch VH A-----------------+                                                             |           Fall :23           |                              |          M-Dec 14-6          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    387         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    499         |-Eric Musick SC A-------------+                                        Bout:    769         |-Josh Mccowan GRU A-----------+                              |
                               -Eric Musick SC A-------------+                              |                                                             |          M-Dec 13-4                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    642         |-Eric Musick SC A-------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    388         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:18          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    500         |-Patrick Woodruff JJK A-------+         Bout:    698         |-Allen Boone AB A-------------+                                        Bout:    839         |-Junio Mcconn AL A------------
                               -Patrick Woodruff JJK A-------+                                                             |           Fall :52                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Allen Boone AB A-------------+                                                                                            |         Fall 5:37;OT
         Bout:    389         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    501         |-Jesse Bowman TAZ A-----------+                                                              -Junio Mcconn AL A------------+                              |
                               -Jesse Bowman TAZ A-----------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    643         |-Cody Thompson TA A-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    390         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf             |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    502         |-Cody Thompson TA A-----------+         Bout:    699         |-Cody Thompson TA A-----------+         Bout:    798         |-Junio Mcconn AL A------------+
                               -Cody Thompson TA A-----------+                                                             |           Fall 4:30          |                              |           Fall 4:58
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Paul Brammer NS A------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    391         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    503         |-Andy  Mckee DB A-------------+                                        Bout:    770         |-Cody Thompson TA A-----------+
                               -Andy  Mckee DB A-------------+                              |                                                             |            Dec 7-0
-Dustin Debord AL B-----------+                                        Bout:    644         |-Andy  Mckee DB A-------------+                              |
         Bout:    392         |-Dustin Debord AL B-----------+                              |            Dec 4-2           |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    504         |-Stephen Russell VH B---------+         Bout:    700         |-Andy  Mckee DB A-------------+
                               -Stephen Russell VH B---------+           Fall :28                                          |           Fall 4:45
                                                                                             -Evan Wilson VH A-------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -David Harrison RR A----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    838         |-David Harrison RR A----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Cody Thompson TA A-----------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 6-5

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Justin Chapman SS A                     4-  0             5th David Harrison RR A                     3-  2
                               2nd Labrent Epps RH A                       3-  1             6th Cody Thompson TA A                      3-  3
                               3rd Junio Mcconn AL A                       4-  1
                               4th Josh Mccowan GRU A                      4-  2

Weight: 145

-Jon Brown GRU A--------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    113     |-Jon Brown GRU A--------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    281         |-Jon Brown GRU A--------------+
-Rick Barreras GRA B----------+                              |           Fall :37           |
     0-  0   Bout:    114     |-Jordan Myers MT A------------+                              |
-Jordan Myers MT A------------+           Fall 3:41                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    589         |-Jon Brown GRU A--------------+
-Janson Hall SS A-------------+                                                             |           Fall 5:40          |
     0-  0   Bout:    115     |-Janson Hall SS A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    282         |-Janson Hall SS A-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:41                                         |
         Bout:    116         |-Vernon Kerns JJK A-----------+                                                             |
-Vernon Kerns JJK A-----------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    743         |-Jon Brown GRU A--------------+
-Adam Dials SC A--------------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 13-2          |
     0-  0   Bout:    117     |-Adam Dials SC A--------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    283         |-Adam Dials SC A--------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:54          |                              |                              |
         Bout:    118         |-Adam Tuesburg NS A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Adam Tuesburg NS A-----------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    590         |-Josh Jarrett DB A------------+                              |
-Jontavious Mobley RH A-------+                                                             |            Dec 3-2                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    119     |-Jontavious Mobley RH A-------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    284         |-Josh Jarrett DB A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:20                                                                        |
         Bout:    120         |-Josh Jarrett DB A------------+                                                                                            |
-Josh Jarrett DB A------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    844         |-Jon Brown GRU A--------------
-John Deadomore AB A----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    121     |-John Deadomore AB A----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 6-1
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    285         |-John Deadomore AB A----------+                                                             |
-Scratch VH B-----------------+                              |           Fall 1:34          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    122     |-Charlie Holbrook GRA A-------+                              |                                                             |
-Charlie Holbrook GRA A-------+             Forf                                            |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    591         |-Stephen Brown VH A-----------+                              |
-Jeremy Blankenship RC A------+                                                             |            Dec 6-5           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    123     |-Jeremy Blankenship RC A------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    286         |-Stephen Brown VH A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:57                                         |                              |
         Bout:    124         |-Stephen Brown VH A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Stephen Brown VH A-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    744         |-Steven Thompson PB A---------+
-Josh Simmons RR A------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 7-3
     0-  0   Bout:    125     |-Josh Simmons RR A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    287         |-Jeremiah Hampton AL A--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 11-3          |                              |
         Bout:    126         |-Jeremiah Hampton AL A--------+                              |                              |
-Jeremiah Hampton AL A--------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    592         |-Steven Thompson PB A---------+
-Michael Kearnes TA A---------+                                                             |           Fall 3:14
     0-  0   Bout:    127     |-Luke Taylor RR B-------------+                              |
-Luke Taylor RR B-------------+          M-Dec 15-3          |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    288         |-Steven Thompson PB A---------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:42
         Bout:    128         |-Steven Thompson PB A---------+
-Steven Thompson PB A---------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    393         |-Rick Barreras GRA B----------+
-Rick Barreras GRA B----------+         Bout:    505         |-Luke Taylor RR B-------------+                                                              -Stephen Brown VH A-----------+
                               -Luke Taylor RR B-------------+           Fall 4:48          |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    645         |-Josh Simmons RR A------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    394         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 11-3          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    506         |-Josh Simmons RR A------------+         Bout:    701         |-Josh Simmons RR A------------+         Bout:    799         |-Janson Hall SS A-------------+
                               -Josh Simmons RR A------------+                                                             |           Fall :29           |                              |          Dec 9-7;OT          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Adam Dials SC A--------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    395         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    507         |-Jeremy Blankenship RC A------+                                        Bout:    771         |-Janson Hall SS A-------------+                              |
                               -Jeremy Blankenship RC A------+                              |                                                             |           M-Dec 9-0                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    646         |-Charlie Holbrook GRA A-------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    396         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:26          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    508         |-Charlie Holbrook GRA A-------+         Bout:    702         |-Janson Hall SS A-------------+                                        Bout:    843         |-John Deadomore AB A----------
                               -Charlie Holbrook GRA A-------+                                                             |           Fall 1:48                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Janson Hall SS A-------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 7-2
         Bout:    397         |-Scratch VH B-----------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Scratch VH B-----------------+         Bout:    509         |-Jontavious Mobley RH A-------+                                                              -Josh Jarrett DB A------------+                              |
                               -Jontavious Mobley RH A-------+             Forf             |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    647         |-Adam Tuesburg NS A-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    398         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :38           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    510         |-Adam Tuesburg NS A-----------+         Bout:    703         |-Jeremiah Hampton AL A--------+         Bout:    800         |-John Deadomore AB A----------+
                               -Adam Tuesburg NS A-----------+                                                             |             Dflt             |                              |           Fall 3:30
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Jeremiah Hampton AL A--------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    399         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    511         |-Vernon Kerns JJK A-----------+                                        Bout:    772         |-John Deadomore AB A----------+
                               -Vernon Kerns JJK A-----------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 2:30
-Michael Kearnes TA A---------+                                        Bout:    648         |-Vernon Kerns JJK A-----------+                              |
         Bout:    400         |-Michael Kearnes TA A---------+                              |           Fall 4:00          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    512         |-Jordan Myers MT A------------+         Bout:    704         |-John Deadomore AB A----------+
                               -Jordan Myers MT A------------+           Fall 2:51                                         |           Fall 2:58
                                                                                             -John Deadomore AB A----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Stephen Brown VH A-----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    842         |-Stephen Brown VH A-----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Josh Jarrett DB A------------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Jon Brown GRU A                         4-  0             5th Stephen Brown VH A                      3-  2
                               2nd Steven Thompson PB A                    3-  1             6th Josh Jarrett DB A                       2-  2
                               3rd John Deadomore AB A                     5-  1
                               4th Janson Hall SS A                        4-  2

Weight: 152

-Jake Crvich RR A-------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    129     |-Jake Crvich RR A-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    289         |-Jake Crvich RR A-------------+
-James Ball GRA B-------------+                              |            Dec 9-8           |
     0-  0   Bout:    130     |-William Griffin VH B---------+                              |
-William Griffin VH B---------+           Fall :45                                          |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    593         |-Jake Crvich RR A-------------+
-Ricky Lamb RC A--------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:45          |
     0-  0   Bout:    131     |-Ricky Lamb RC A--------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    290         |-Jesse Peery GRA A------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:22                                         |
         Bout:    132         |-Jesse Peery GRA A------------+                                                             |
-Jesse Peery GRA A------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    745         |-Jake Crvich RR A-------------+
-Seth Little TA A-------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:54          |
     0-  0   Bout:    133     |-Seth Little TA A-------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    291         |-Seth Little TA A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:44          |                              |                              |
         Bout:    134         |-Jonathan Harklless VHC-------+                              |                              |                              |
-Jonathan Harklless VHC-------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    594         |-Seth Little TA A-------------+                              |
-Matt Farley SS A-------------+                                                             |           Dec 10-9                                          |
     0-  0   Bout:    135     |-Matt Farley SS A-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    292         |-T.J. Lawson NS A-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :21                                                                         |
         Bout:    136         |-T.J. Lawson NS A-------------+                                                                                            |
-T.J. Lawson NS A-------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    848         |-Jake Crvich RR A-------------
-Larry Horn SC A--------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    137     |-Larry Horn SC A--------------+                                                                                            |            Dec 2-0
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    293         |-Tim Paige MT A---------------+                                                             |
-Billy Gillespie TAZ B--------+                              |           Fall 3:30          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    138     |-Tim Paige MT A---------------+                              |                                                             |
-Tim Paige MT A---------------+           Fall :49                                          |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    595         |-Morgan Owens GRU A-----------+                              |
-Jarrod Thomas TAZ A----------+                                                             |            Dec 6-3           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    139     |-Jarrod Thomas TAZ A----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    294         |-Morgan Owens GRU A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :23                                          |                              |
         Bout:    140         |-Morgan Owens GRU A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Morgan Owens GRU A-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    746         |-Gregg Mcfadden RH A----------+
-Rand Nelson VH A-------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:35
     0-  0   Bout:    141     |-Rand Nelson VH A-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    295         |-Rand Nelson VH A-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 4-3           |                              |
         Bout:    142         |-Leslie Merris AB A-----------+                              |                              |
-Leslie Merris AB A-----------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    596         |-Gregg Mcfadden RH A----------+
-Tim Jones PC-----------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:00
     0-  0   Bout:    143     |-Jerami Bartley GRU B---------+                              |
-Jerami Bartley GRU B---------+            Dec 4-2           |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    296         |-Gregg Mcfadden RH A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-3
         Bout:    144         |-Gregg Mcfadden RH A----------+
-Gregg Mcfadden RH A----------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    401         |-James Ball GRA B-------------+
-James Ball GRA B-------------+         Bout:    513         |-Jerami Bartley GRU B---------+                                                              -Morgan Owens GRU A-----------+
                               -Jerami Bartley GRU B---------+           Fall :52           |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    649         |-Leslie Merris AB A-----------+                                                             |
         Bout:    402         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-4           |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    514         |-Leslie Merris AB A-----------+         Bout:    705         |-Leslie Merris AB A-----------+         Bout:    801         |-Jesse Peery GRA A------------+
                               -Leslie Merris AB A-----------+                                                             |           Dec 17-8           |                              |           Fall 5:14          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -T.J. Lawson NS A-------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    403         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    515         |-Jarrod Thomas TAZ A----------+                                        Bout:    773         |-Jesse Peery GRA A------------+                              |
                               -Jarrod Thomas TAZ A----------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 5:30                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    650         |-Larry Horn SC A--------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    404         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :40           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    516         |-Larry Horn SC A--------------+         Bout:    706         |-Jesse Peery GRA A------------+                                        Bout:    847         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------
                               -Larry Horn SC A--------------+                                                             |          M-Dec 14-4                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Jesse Peery GRA A------------+                                                                                            |           Dec 10-7
         Bout:    405         |-Billy Gillespie TAZ B--------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Billy Gillespie TAZ B--------+         Bout:    517         |-Matt Farley SS A-------------+                                                              -Seth Little TA A-------------+                              |
                               -Matt Farley SS A-------------+           Fall 2:35          |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    651         |-Jonathan Harklless VHC-------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    406         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :26           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    518         |-Jonathan Harklless VHC-------+         Bout:    707         |-Rand Nelson VH A-------------+         Bout:    802         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------+
                               -Jonathan Harklless VHC-------+                                                             |           Fall 1:36          |                              |            Dec 8-3
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Rand Nelson VH A-------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    407         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    519         |-Ricky Lamb RC A--------------+                                        Bout:    774         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------+
                               -Ricky Lamb RC A--------------+                              |                                                             |           Dec 10-3
-Tim Jones PC-----------------+                                        Bout:    652         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------+                              |
         Bout:    408         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------+                              |           Fall 2:01          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    520         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------+         Bout:    708         |-Tim Jones PC-----------------+
                               -William Griffin VH B---------+          M-Dec 15-4                                         |            Dec 7-1
                                                                                             -Tim Paige MT A---------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Morgan Owens GRU A-----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    846         |-Morgan Owens GRU A-----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Seth Little TA A-------------+           5th Place

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Jake Crvich RR A                        4-  0             5th Morgan Owens GRU A                      3-  2
                               2nd Gregg Mcfadden RH A                     3-  1             6th Seth Little TA A                        2-  2
                               3rd Tim Jones PC                            6-  1
                               4th Jesse Peery GRA A                       4-  2

Weight: 160

-Jimmy Penley GRU A-----------+
     0-  0   Bout:    145     |-Jimmy Penley GRU A-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    297         |-Jimmy Penley GRU A-----------+
-Mike Fox NS B----------------+                              |           Fall 1:29          |
     0-  0   Bout:    146     |-Jacob Shortt RC A------------+                              |
-Jacob Shortt RC A------------+           Fall :43                                          |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    597         |-Jimmy Penley GRU A-----------+
-Eric Mcdaniel TAZ A----------+                                                             |           Fall 1:37          |
     0-  0   Bout:    147     |-Eric Mcdaniel TAZ A----------+                              |                              |
-David Trigg GRA B------------+           Fall 2:40          |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    298         |-Eric Mcdaniel TAZ A----------+                              |
-Scratch VH B-----------------+                              |             Forf                                            |
     0-  0   Bout:    148     |-Forfeit----------------------+                                                             |
-Scratch RAH A----------------+             Forf                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    747         |-Jimmy Penley GRU A-----------+
-Seth Copley SC A-------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 2:51          |
     0-  0   Bout:    149     |-Seth Copley SC A-------------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    299         |-Chris Corley VH A------------+                              |                              |
-Chris Corley VH A------------+                              |           Fall 5:59          |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    150     |-Chris Corley VH A------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Max Collins JJK A------------+           Fall 1:14                                         |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    598         |-Dave Rothgeb TA A------------+                              |
-Charlie Cathren AL A---------+                                                             |           Fall 1:24                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    151     |-Josh Goodson AB B------------+                              |                                                             |
-Josh Goodson AB B------------+           Fall 3:06          |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    300         |-Dave Rothgeb TA A------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          T-Fall 16-0                                                                       |
         Bout:    152         |-Dave Rothgeb TA A------------+                                                                                            |
-Dave Rothgeb TA A------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    852         |-Jimmy Penley GRU A-----------
-Universal Prather NMB A------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    153     |-Universal Prather NMB A------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 16-5
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    301         |-Dalton Vannoy AB A-----------+                                                             |
-Jim Ed Williams GRA A--------+                              |           Fall 5:43          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    154     |-Dalton Vannoy AB A-----------+                              |                                                             |
-Dalton Vannoy AB A-----------+           Fall 1:19                                         |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    599         |-Alfred Tabron NS A-----------+                              |
-Josh Taylor RH A-------------+                                                             |          Dec 4-3;RO          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    155     |-Josh Taylor RH A-------------+                              |                              |                              |
-Nathan Holben RH B-----------+            Dec 6-5           |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    302         |-Alfred Tabron NS A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 9-7                                          |                              |
         Bout:    156         |-Alfred Tabron NS A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Alfred Tabron NS A-----------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    748         |-Alfred Tabron NS A-----------+
-Ricky Burgess SC B-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:24
     0-  0   Bout:    157     |-Ricky Burgess SC B-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    303         |-Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+                              |
-Jared Smith RC B-------------+                              |           Fall :53           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    158     |-Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+                              |                              |
-Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+            Dec 4-1                                          |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    600         |-Aaron Modzelewski DB A-------+
-Matt Pennington RR A---------+                                                             |         Dec 0-0;2-0RO
     0-  0   Bout:    159     |-Matt Pennington RR A---------+                              |
-Tommy Bacon DB B-------------+             Forf             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    304         |-Aaron Modzelewski DB A-------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 7-0
         Bout:    160         |-Aaron Modzelewski DB A-------+
-Aaron Modzelewski DB A-------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    409         |-Mike Fox NS B----------------+
-Mike Fox NS B----------------+         Bout:    521         |-Matt Pennington RR A---------+                                                              -Aaron Modzelewski DB A-------+
                               -Matt Pennington RR A---------+           Fall 2:05          |                                                                                            |
-David Trigg GRA B------------+                                        Bout:    653         |-Matt Pennington RR A---------+                                                             |
         Bout:    410         |-David Trigg GRA B------------+                              |           Dec 14-10          |                                                             |
-Forfeit----------------------+      Forf   Bout:    522     |-Ricky Burgess SC B-----------+         Bout:    709         |-Matt Pennington RR A---------+         Bout:    803         |-Aaron Modzelewski DB A-------+
                               -Ricky Burgess SC B-----------+          M-Dec 12-4                                         |           Fall 4:58          |                              |            Dec 7-5           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Chris Corley VH A------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    411         |-Max Collins JJK A------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Max Collins JJK A------------+         Bout:    523         |-Josh Taylor RH A-------------+                                        Bout:    775         |-Josh Taylor RH A-------------+                              |
                               -Josh Taylor RH A-------------+             Dflt             |                                                             |           Fall 5:45                                         |
-Charlie Cathren AL A---------+                                        Bout:    654         |-Josh Taylor RH A-------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    412         |-Charlie Cathren AL A---------+                              |           Dec 11-5           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    524         |-Charlie Cathren AL A---------+         Bout:    710         |-Josh Taylor RH A-------------+                                        Bout:    851         |-Dave Rothgeb TA A------------
                               -Universal Prather NMB A------+            Dec 9-3                                          |           Fall 4:05                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Eric Mcdaniel TAZ A----------+                                                                                            |            Dec 8-1
         Bout:    413         |-Jim Ed Williams GRA A--------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Jim Ed Williams GRA A--------+         Bout:    525         |-Jim Ed Williams GRA A--------+                                                              -Dave Rothgeb TA A------------+                              |
                               -Josh Goodson AB B------------+           Fall 1:17          |                                                                                            |                              |
-Nathan Holben RH B-----------+                                        Bout:    655         |-Nathan Holben RH B-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    414         |-Nathan Holben RH B-----------+                              |           Fall 2:04          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    526         |-Nathan Holben RH B-----------+         Bout:    711         |-Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+         Bout:    804         |-Dave Rothgeb TA A------------+
                               -Seth Copley SC A-------------+            Dec 3-0                                          |            Dec 4-2           |                              |           Fall 2:20
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    415         |-Jared Smith RC B-------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Jared Smith RC B-------------+         Bout:    527         |-Jared Smith RC B-------------+                                        Bout:    776         |-Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+
                               -Forfeit----------------------+             Forf             |                                                             |            Dec 7-1
-Tommy Bacon DB B-------------+                                        Bout:    656         |-Jared Smith RC B-------------+                              |
         Bout:    416         |-Tommy Bacon DB B-------------+                              |            Dec 8-2           |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    528         |-Jacob Shortt RC A------------+         Bout:    712         |-Jared Smith RC B-------------+
                               -Jacob Shortt RC A------------+             Forf                                            |            Dec 7-3
                                                                                             -Dalton Vannoy AB A-----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Josh Taylor RH A-------------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    850         |-Josh Taylor RH A-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Matt Stiltner GRU B----------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 3-2

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Jimmy Penley GRU A                      4-  0             5th Josh Taylor RH A                        6-  2
                               2nd Alfred Tabron NS A                      3-  1             6th Matt Stiltner GRU B                     4-  3
                               3rd Dave Rothgeb TA A                       4-  1
                               4th Aaron Modzelewski DB A                  3-  2

Weight: 171

-Jim Young TA A---------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    161     |-Jim Young TA A---------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    305         |-Jim Young TA A---------------+
-W.J. Altizer NS B------------+                              |           Fall 3:00          |
     0-  0   Bout:    162     |-Anthony Clinton MT B---------+                              |
-Anthony Clinton MT B---------+           Fall 3:59                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    601         |-Jim Young TA A---------------+
-Steven Myers NMB A-----------+                                                             |           Fall 5:27          |
     0-  0   Bout:    163     |-Steven Myers NMB A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    306         |-Steven Myers NMB A-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Dflt                                            |
         Bout:    164         |-Steven Ward RR A-------------+                                                             |
-Steven Ward RR A-------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    749         |-Jim Young TA A---------------+
-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+                                                                                            |            Dec 9-2           |
     0-  0   Bout:    165     |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    307         |-Austin Trotman MT A----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 10-1          |                              |                              |
         Bout:    166         |-Austin Trotman MT A----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Austin Trotman MT A----------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    602         |-Austin Trotman MT A----------+                              |
-Chris Montemayor RAH A-------+                                                             |          M-Dec 10-1                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    167     |-Chris Montemayor RAH A-------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    308         |-Josh Lee GRU B---------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 4:02                                                                        |
         Bout:    168         |-Josh Lee GRU B---------------+                                                                                            |
-Josh Lee GRU B---------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    856         |-Jim Young TA A---------------
-Austin Skeens AB A-----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    169     |-Austin Skeens AB A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 5:15
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    309         |-Austin Skeens AB A-----------+                                                             |
-Demario Harris RH C----------+                              |           Fall 2:27          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    170     |-Graham Perkins DB A----------+                              |                                                             |
-Graham Perkins DB A----------+           Fall :30                                          |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    603         |-Austin Skeens AB A-----------+                              |
-Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                                                             |           Fall 3:42          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    171     |-Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    310         |- Daniel Mccarty VH A---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 3-0                                          |                              |
         Bout:    172         |- Daniel Mccarty VH A---------+                                                             |                              |
- Daniel Mccarty VH A---------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    750         |-Jacob Agner NS A-------------+
-Laventa Murray RH A----------+                                                                                            |           Dec 10-7
     0-  0   Bout:    173     |-Laventa Murray RH A----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    311         |-Laventa Murray RH A----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:13          |                              |
         Bout:    174         |-Shawn Dowdy JJK A------------+                              |                              |
-Shawn Dowdy JJK A------------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    604         |-Jacob Agner NS A-------------+
-Scratch RC A-----------------+                                                             |           Dec 15-14
     0-  0   Bout:    175     |-T.J. Conrad NS C-------------+                              |
-T.J. Conrad NS C-------------+             Forf             |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    312         |-Jacob Agner NS A-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:23
         Bout:    176         |-Jacob Agner NS A-------------+
-Jacob Agner NS A-------------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    417         |-W.J. Altizer NS B------------+
-W.J. Altizer NS B------------+         Bout:    529         |-T.J. Conrad NS C-------------+                                                              -Austin Skeens AB A-----------+
                               -T.J. Conrad NS C-------------+           Fall 2:36          |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    657         |-T.J. Conrad NS C-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    418         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:26          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    530         |-Shawn Dowdy JJK A------------+         Bout:    713         |-T.J. Conrad NS C-------------+         Bout:    805         |-Austin Skeens AB A-----------+
                               -Shawn Dowdy JJK A------------+                                                             |            Dec 8-7           |                              |            Dec 5-3           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Josh Lee GRU B---------------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    419         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    531         |-Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                                        Bout:    777         |-Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                              |
                               -Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 1:25                                         |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    658         |-Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    420         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Dflt             |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    532         |-Graham Perkins DB A----------+         Bout:    714         |-Demarco Owens GRU A----------+                                        Bout:    855         |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------
                               -Graham Perkins DB A----------+                                                             |           Fall :35                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Steven Myers NMB A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 1:18
         Bout:    421         |-Demario Harris RH C----------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Demario Harris RH C----------+         Bout:    533         |-Demario Harris RH C----------+                                                              -Austin Trotman MT A----------+                              |
                               -Chris Montemayor RAH A-------+           Dec 17-15          |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    659         |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    422         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :47           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    534         |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+         Bout:    715         |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+         Bout:    806         |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+
                               -Andy Henderson GRA A---------+                                                             |           Fall :37           |                              |           Fall :33
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Laventa Murray RH A----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    423         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    535         |-Steven Ward RR A-------------+                                        Bout:    778         |-Andy Henderson GRA A---------+
                               -Steven Ward RR A-------------+                              |                                                             |           Fall :20
-Scratch RC A-----------------+                                        Bout:    660         |-Anthony Clinton MT B---------+                              |
         Bout:    424         |-Scratch RC A-----------------+                              |             Forf             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    536         |-Anthony Clinton MT B---------+         Bout:    716         |- Daniel Mccarty VH A---------+
                               -Anthony Clinton MT B---------+             Forf                                            |           Fall 1:42
                                                                                             - Daniel Mccarty VH A---------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Demarco Owens GRU A----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    854         |-Austin Trotman MT A----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Austin Trotman MT A----------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dec 3-2

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Jim Young TA A                          4-  0             5th Austin Trotman MT A                     3-  2
                               2nd Jacob Agner NS A                        3-  1             6th Demarco Owens GRU A                     3-  3
                               3rd Andy Henderson GRA A                    5-  1
                               4th Austin Skeens AB A                      3-  2

Weight: 189

-Aaron Looney GRU A-----------+
     0-  0   Bout:    177     |-Aaron Looney GRU A-----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    313         |-Aaron Looney GRU A-----------+
-Chase Rogers NMB B-----------+                              |           Fall :43           |
     0-  0   Bout:    178     |-Chase Rogers NMB B-----------+                              |
-Brent Cook GRA B-------------+           Fall 3:56                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    605         |-Aaron Looney GRU A-----------+
-Marty Mabe AL A--------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:09          |
     0-  0   Bout:    179     |-Marty Mabe AL A--------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    314         |-Donnell Blackman RH A--------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :59                                          |
         Bout:    180         |-Donnell Blackman RH A--------+                                                             |
-Donnell Blackman RH A--------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    751         |-Aaron Looney GRU A-----------+
-Danny Jackson MT A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:54          |
     0-  0   Bout:    181     |-Danny Jackson MT A-----------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    315         |-Danny Jackson MT A-----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |          T-Fall 4:55         |                              |                              |
         Bout:    182         |-Lucas Hubbard RC A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Lucas Hubbard RC A-----------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    606         |-Danny Jackson MT A-----------+                              |
-Tyler Barreras GRA A---------+                                                             |          M-Dec 14-1                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    183     |-Tyler Barreras GRA A---------+                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    316         |-Ronnie Williams AB A---------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:26                                                                        |
         Bout:    184         |-Ronnie Williams AB A---------+                                                                                            |
-Ronnie Williams AB A---------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    860         |-Aaron Looney GRU A-----------
-B.J. Hutchinson NS A---------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    185     |-B.J. Hutchinson NS A---------+                                                                                            |           Fall 1:34
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    317         |-B.J. Hutchinson NS A---------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:45          |                                                             |
         Bout:    186         |-Greg Lester GRU B------------+                              |                                                             |
-Greg Lester GRU B------------+                                                             |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    607         |-B.J. Hutchinson NS A---------+                              |
-Kenneth Kincaid SS A---------+                                                             |           Dec 14-7           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    187     |-Kenneth Kincaid SS A---------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    318         |-Matt Henley RR A-------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:57                                         |                              |
         Bout:    188         |-Matt Henley RR A-------------+                                                             |                              |
-Matt Henley RR A-------------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    752         |-B.J. Hutchinson NS A---------+
-Andre Fortune VH A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 1:01
     0-  0   Bout:    189     |-Andre Fortune VH A-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    319         |-Andre Fortune VH A-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Dflt             |                              |
         Bout:    190         |-Cory Ours TA A---------------+                              |                              |
-Cory Ours TA A---------------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    608         |-Jon Silverberg NMB A---------+
-Scratch RH B-----------------+                                                             |           Dec 14-9
     0-  0   Bout:    191     |-Scratch RH B-----------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    320         |-Jon Silverberg NMB A---------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf
         Bout:    192         |-Jon Silverberg NMB A---------+
-Jon Silverberg NMB A---------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    425         |-Brent Cook GRA B-------------+
-Brent Cook GRA B-------------+         Bout:    537         |-Brent Cook GRA B-------------+                                                              -Jon Silverberg NMB A---------+
                               -Scratch RH B-----------------+             Forf             |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    661         |-Brent Cook GRA B-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    426         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |             Forf             |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    538         |-Cory Ours TA A---------------+         Bout:    717         |-Ronnie Williams AB A---------+         Bout:    807         |-Jon Silverberg NMB A---------+
                               -Cory Ours TA A---------------+                                                             |           Fall 3:04          |                              |            Dec 3-1           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Ronnie Williams AB A---------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    427         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    539         |-Kenneth Kincaid SS A---------+                                        Bout:    779         |-Ronnie Williams AB A---------+                              |
                               -Kenneth Kincaid SS A---------+                              |                                                             |            Dec 3-2                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    662         |-Greg Lester GRU B------------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    428         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |          Dec 6-4;OT          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    540         |-Greg Lester GRU B------------+         Bout:    718         |-Greg Lester GRU B------------+                                        Bout:    859         |-Jon Silverberg NMB A---------
                               -Greg Lester GRU B------------+                                                             |          M-Dec 10-0                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Donnell Blackman RH A--------+                                                                                            |           Fall :49
         Bout:    429         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    541         |-Tyler Barreras GRA A---------+                                                              -Danny Jackson MT A-----------+                              |
                               -Tyler Barreras GRA A---------+                              |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    663         |-Lucas Hubbard RC A-----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    430         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:49          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    542         |-Lucas Hubbard RC A-----------+         Bout:    719         |-Andre Fortune VH A-----------+         Bout:    808         |-Danny Jackson MT A-----------+
                               -Lucas Hubbard RC A-----------+                                                             |            Dec 3-1           |                              |            Dec 9-7
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Andre Fortune VH A-----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    431         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    543         |-Marty Mabe AL A--------------+                                        Bout:    780         |-Matt Henley RR A-------------+
                               -Marty Mabe AL A--------------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 5:30
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    664         |-Chase Rogers NMB B-----------+                              |
         Bout:    432         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :26           |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    544         |-Chase Rogers NMB B-----------+         Bout:    720         |-Matt Henley RR A-------------+
                               -Chase Rogers NMB B-----------+                                                             |           Fall 2:00
                                                                                             -Matt Henley RR A-------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Ronnie Williams AB A---------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    858         |-Matt Henley RR A-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Matt Henley RR A-------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fall :40

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Aaron Looney GRU A                      4-  0             5th Matt Henley RR A                        4-  2
                               2nd B.J. Hutchinson NS A                    3-  1             6th Ronnie Williams AB A                    3-  3
                               3rd Jon Silverberg NMB A                    4-  1
                               4th Danny Jackson MT A                      3-  2

Weight: 215

-Charlie Newman TA A----------+
     0-  0   Bout:    193     |-Charlie Newman TA A----------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    321         |-Charlie Newman TA A----------+
-Charles Dunham RH B----------+                              |           Fall 1:54          |
     0-  0   Bout:    194     |-Charles Dunham RH B----------+                              |
-Andrew Epperson GRA B--------+           Fall 2:54                                         |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    609         |-Charlie Newman TA A----------+
-John Michael Clay VH A-------+                                                             |           Fall 1:02          |
     0-  0   Bout:    195     |-John Michael Clay VH A-------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    322         |-John Michael Clay VH A-------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:30                                         |
         Bout:    196         |-Josh Jones SS A--------------+                                                             |
-Josh Jones SS A--------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    753         |-Charlie Newman TA A----------+
-Justin Chaffin SC A----------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 17-3          |
     0-  0   Bout:    197     |-Justin Chaffin SC A----------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    323         |-Justin Chaffin SC A----------+                              |                              |
-Aaron Hayter AB B------------+                              |           Fall :44           |                              |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    198     |-Wayne Presley NS A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Wayne Presley NS A-----------+           Fall 1:40                                         |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    610         |-Jeremy Hall SS B-------------+                              |
-Glenn Cothren AL A-----------+                                                             |          M-Dec 15-1                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    199     |-Jeremy Hall SS B-------------+                              |                                                             |
-Jeremy Hall SS B-------------+           Fall 3:15          |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    324         |-Jeremy Hall SS B-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:28                                                                        |
         Bout:    200         |-Chip Hester NMB A------------+                                                                                            |
-Chip Hester NMB A------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    864         |-Charlie Newman TA A----------
-Chris Clifton RH A-----------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    201     |-Chris Clifton RH A-----------+                                                                                            |           M-Dec 9-1
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    325         |-Chris Clifton RH A-----------+                                                             |
-Hunter Manspile NS C---------+                              |           Fall :47           |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    202     |-Hunter Manspile NS C---------+                              |                                                             |
-Roy Garland GRA A------------+           Fall 1:45                                         |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    611         |-Chris Clifton RH A-----------+                              |
-Scotty Looney RC A-----------+                                                             |           Fall 5:39          |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    203     |-Scotty Looney RC A-----------+                              |                              |                              |
-B.J. Slone SC B--------------+           Fall 1:42          |                              |                              |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    326         |-Kris Dunn AB A---------------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:50                                         |                              |
         Bout:    204         |-Kris Dunn AB A---------------+                                                             |                              |
-Kris Dunn AB A---------------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    754         |-Chris Clifton RH A-----------+
-Chris Boyd RAH A-------------+                                                                                            |          Dec 2-1;OT
     0-  0   Bout:    205     |-Chris Boyd RAH A-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    327         |-Chris Boyd RAH A-------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 5:51          |                              |
         Bout:    206         |-Richard Roberson JJK A-------+                              |                              |
-Richard Roberson JJK A-------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    612         |-Matt Lee GRU A---------------+
-Adam Layne PB A--------------+                                                             |            Dec 9-2
     0-  0   Bout:    207     |-Ricky Flores NS B------------+                              |
-Ricky Flores NS B------------+           Fall :38           |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    328         |-Matt Lee GRU A---------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:26
         Bout:    208         |-Matt Lee GRU A---------------+
-Matt Lee GRU A---------------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    433         |-Andrew Epperson GRA B--------+
-Andrew Epperson GRA B--------+         Bout:    545         |-Ricky Flores NS B------------+                                                              -Matt Lee GRU A---------------+
                               -Ricky Flores NS B------------+           Fall :23           |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    665         |-Richard Roberson JJK A-------+                                                             |
         Bout:    434         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:41          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    546         |-Richard Roberson JJK A-------+         Bout:    721         |-Richard Roberson JJK A-------+         Bout:    809         |-Matt Lee GRU A---------------+
                               -Richard Roberson JJK A-------+                                                             |            Dec 3-0           |                              |           Fall 3:46          |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Justin Chaffin SC A----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    435         |-Aaron Hayter AB B------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Aaron Hayter AB B------------+         Bout:    547         |-Scotty Looney RC A-----------+                                        Bout:    781         |-Richard Roberson JJK A-------+                              |
                               -Scotty Looney RC A-----------+           Fall 1:33          |                                                             |           Fall :30                                          |
-Glenn Cothren AL A-----------+                                        Bout:    666         |-Scotty Looney RC A-----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    436         |-Glenn Cothren AL A-----------+                              |           Fall 2:59          |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    548         |-Glenn Cothren AL A-----------+         Bout:    722         |-John Michael Clay VH A-------+                                        Bout:    863         |-Matt Lee GRU A---------------
                               -Hunter Manspile NS C---------+           Fall 4:59                                         |           Fall :20                                                                         |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -John Michael Clay VH A-------+                                                                                            |           Fall 4:57
         Bout:    437         |-Roy Garland GRA A------------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Roy Garland GRA A------------+         Bout:    549         |-Roy Garland GRA A------------+                                                              -Jeremy Hall SS B-------------+                              |
                               -Chip Hester NMB A------------+           Fall 2:48          |                                                                                            |                              |
-B.J. Slone SC B--------------+                                        Bout:    667         |-B.J. Slone SC B--------------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    438         |-B.J. Slone SC B--------------+                              |           Fall :39           |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    550         |-B.J. Slone SC B--------------+         Bout:    723         |-Chris Boyd RAH A-------------+         Bout:    810         |-Josh Jones SS A--------------+
                               -Wayne Presley NS A-----------+           Fall 1:14                                         |           Fall 1:26          |                              |           Fall 1:39
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Chris Boyd RAH A-------------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    439         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    551         |-Josh Jones SS A--------------+                                        Bout:    782         |-Josh Jones SS A--------------+
                               -Josh Jones SS A--------------+                              |                                                             |           M-Dec 9-0
-Adam Layne PB A--------------+                                        Bout:    668         |-Josh Jones SS A--------------+                              |
         Bout:    440         |-Adam Layne PB A--------------+                              |           Fall 1:10          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    552         |-Charles Dunham RH B----------+         Bout:    724         |-Josh Jones SS A--------------+
                               -Charles Dunham RH B----------+           Fall 2:48                                         |           Fall :45
                                                                                             -Kris Dunn AB A---------------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Richard Roberson JJK A-------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    862         |-Jeremy Hall SS B-------------
                                                                                                                                                           -Jeremy Hall SS B-------------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fall 2:59

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Charlie Newman TA A                     4-  0             5th Jeremy Hall SS B                        4-  2
                               2nd Chris Clifton RH A                      3-  1             6th Richard Roberson JJK A                  3-  3
                               3rd Matt Lee GRU A                          4-  1
                               4th Josh Jones SS A                         4-  2

Weight: 275

-Jake Seitz VH A--------------+
     0-  0   Bout:    209     |-Jake Seitz VH A--------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |
                                        Bout:    329         |-Jake Seitz VH A--------------+
-Thomas Sutherland AB A-------+                              |           Fall 1:30          |
     0-  0   Bout:    210     |-Thomas Sutherland AB A-------+                              |
-Chris Comer TAZ B------------+           Fall :55                                          |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    613         |-Jake Seitz VH A--------------+
-Scott Whitehead RR A---------+                                                             |           Fall 5:40          |
     0-  0   Bout:    211     |-Scott Whitehead RR A---------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    330         |-Jesse Cooper MT A------------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |            Dec 8-6                                          |
         Bout:    212         |-Jesse Cooper MT A------------+                                                             |
-Jesse Cooper MT A------------+                                                                                            |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    755         |-Jake Seitz VH A--------------+
-Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+                                                                                            |           Fall 3:32          |
     0-  0   Bout:    213     |-Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |                              |
                                        Bout:    331         |-Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:23          |                              |                              |
         Bout:    214         |-Immani Pearsons RAH B--------+                              |                              |                              |
-Immani Pearsons RAH B--------+                                                             |                              |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    614         |-Mike Stover TA A-------------+                              |
-Elisha Martin GRA A----------+                                                             |           Fall 1:11                                         |
     0-  0   Bout:    215     |-Elisha Martin GRA A----------+                              |                                                             |
-Luis Salinas TAZ C-----------+           Fall :47           |                              |                                                             |
             0-  0                      Bout:    332         |-Mike Stover TA A-------------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 2:47                                                                        |
         Bout:    216         |-Mike Stover TA A-------------+                                                                                            |
-Mike Stover TA A-------------+                                                                                                                           |
             0-  0                                                                                                                   Bout:    868         |-Jake Seitz VH A--------------
-Jon Wells SC A---------------+                                                                                                                           |           Champion
     0-  0   Bout:    217     |-Jon Wells SC A---------------+                                                                                            |           Fall 2:46
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                                                            |
                                        Bout:    333         |-Jon Wells SC A---------------+                                                             |
-Geoffrey Willis NS B---------+                              |           Fall 1:36          |                                                             |
     0-  0   Bout:    218     |-Jarrod Burton TAZ A----------+                              |                                                             |
-Jarrod Burton TAZ A----------+           Fall :56                                          |                                                             |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    615         |-Jon Wells SC A---------------+                              |
-Kevin Houchins RC A----------+                                                             |           Fall :46           |                              |
     0-  0   Bout:    219     |-Kevin Houchins RC A----------+                              |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                              |                              |                              |
                                        Bout:    334         |-Kevin Houchins RC A----------+                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :30                                          |                              |
         Bout:    220         |-Aaron Webb SS A--------------+                                                             |                              |
-Aaron Webb SS A--------------+                                                                                            |                              |
             0-  0                                                                                    Bout:    756         |-Matt Osborn NS A-------------+
-Jarius Burris RH A-----------+                                                                                            |           Fall :47
     0-  0   Bout:    221     |-Jarius Burris RH A-----------+                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |                                                             |
                                        Bout:    335         |-Jarius Burris RH A-----------+                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 3:13          |                              |
         Bout:    222         |-Clay Mccord VH B-------------+                              |                              |
-Clay Mccord VH B-------------+                                                             |                              |
             0-  0                                                     Bout:    616         |-Matt Osborn NS A-------------+
-Zack Duncan NS C-------------+                                                             |           Fall :34
     0-  0   Bout:    223     |-Zack Duncan NS C-------------+                              |
-Travis Boyd RAH A------------+           Fall 4:13          |                              |
             0-  0                      Bout:    336         |-Matt Osborn NS A-------------+
-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall :58
         Bout:    224         |-Matt Osborn NS A-------------+
-Matt Osborn NS A-------------+
             0-  0
         Bout:    441         |-Chris Comer TAZ B------------+
-Chris Comer TAZ B------------+         Bout:    553         |-Zack Duncan NS C-------------+                                                              -Jon Wells SC A---------------+
                               -Zack Duncan NS C-------------+           Fall 1:53          |                                                                                            |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    669         |-Clay Mccord VH B-------------+                                                             |
         Bout:    442         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |           Fall 1:50          |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    554         |-Clay Mccord VH B-------------+         Bout:    725         |-Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+         Bout:    811         |-Jon Wells SC A---------------+
                               -Clay Mccord VH B-------------+                                                             |           Fall 2:12          |                              |           Fall :34           |
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+                              |                              |                              |
         Bout:    443         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    555         |-Aaron Webb SS A--------------+                                        Bout:    783         |-Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+                              |
                               -Aaron Webb SS A--------------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 2:18                                         |
-Luis Salinas TAZ C-----------+                                        Bout:    670         |-Jarrod Burton TAZ A----------+                              |                                                             |
         Bout:    444         |-Luis Salinas TAZ C-----------+                              |           Fall :58           |                              |                                                             |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    556         |-Jarrod Burton TAZ A----------+         Bout:    726         |-Jarrod Burton TAZ A----------+                                        Bout:    867         |-Mike Stover TA A-------------
                               -Jarrod Burton TAZ A----------+           Fall :19                                          |           Fall 1:51                                                                        |           3rd Place
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Jesse Cooper MT A------------+                                                                                            |          M-Dec 10-2
         Bout:    445         |-Geoffrey Willis NS B---------+                                                                                                                                                          |
-Geoffrey Willis NS B---------+         Bout:    557         |-Elisha Martin GRA A----------+                                                              -Mike Stover TA A-------------+                              |
                               -Elisha Martin GRA A----------+            Dec 8-5           |                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+                                        Bout:    671         |-Elisha Martin GRA A----------+                                                             |                              |
         Bout:    446         |-Bye--------------------------+                              |          M-Dec 11-2          |                                                             |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    558         |-Immani Pearsons RAH B--------+         Bout:    727         |-Elisha Martin GRA A----------+         Bout:    812         |-Mike Stover TA A-------------+
                               -Immani Pearsons RAH B--------+                                                             |           Fall 2:34          |                              |           Fall 2:10
-Bye--------------------------+                                                              -Jarius Burris RH A-----------+                              |                              |
         Bout:    447         |-Bye--------------------------+                                                                                            |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    559         |-Scott Whitehead RR A---------+                                        Bout:    784         |-Kevin Houchins RC A----------+
                               -Scott Whitehead RR A---------+                              |                                                             |           Fall 4:51
-Travis Boyd RAH A------------+                                        Bout:    672         |-Scott Whitehead RR A---------+                              |
         Bout:    448         |-Travis Boyd RAH A------------+                              |           Fall 3:52          |                              |
-Bye--------------------------+         Bout:    560         |-Thomas Sutherland AB A-------+         Bout:    728         |-Kevin Houchins RC A----------+
                               -Thomas Sutherland AB A-------+           Fall 1:41                                         |            Dec 5-2
                                                                                             -Kevin Houchins RC A----------+

                                                                                                                                                           -Andy Stiltner GRU A----------+
                                                                                                                                                                    Bout:    866         |-Kevin Houchins RC A----------
                                                                                                                                                           -Kevin Houchins RC A----------+           5th Place
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fall 3:30

                               - Place Winners -                                             - Place Winners -
                               1st Jake Seitz VH A                         4-  0             5th Kevin Houchins RC A                     4-  2
                               2nd Matt Osborn NS A                        3-  1             6th Andy Stiltner GRU A                     3-  3
                               3rd Mike Stover TA A                        4-  1
                               4th Jon Wells SC A                          3-  2

Preferred Educational Software
9585 Woodgate Lane
Byron IL 61010
Phone: (888) 959-2016

(c) 2001 - All rights reserved

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Riverview Elementary-Middle School
Agie Skeens Memorial Tournament
Final Results
12/27/04 And 12/28/04


103 Devon Puriefoy, Abingdon A Dec Harry Glenn, Mt. Tabor A, 13-8
112 Rocky Alling, Vestavia Hills A Fall Coty Riggleman, Turner Ashby A, 4:58
119 Keaton Thompson, Vestavia Hills A Dec T.J. Taylor, Shady Springs A, 10-3
125 Joey Metzler, Turner Ashby A Fall Kris Stiltner, Grundy A, 3:39
130 Caleb Shank, Turner Ashby A M-Dec Anthony Harvey, Shady Springs A, 13-5
135 Bryon Flick, Turner Ashby A Dec Cameron Felty, Daniel Boone A, 8-6
140 Justin Chapman, Shady Springs A T-Fall Labrent Epps, Rock Hill A, 17-2
145 Jon Brown, Grundy A Dec Steven Thompson, Prestonsburg A, 6-1
152 Jake Crvich, Rural Retreat A Dec Gregg Mcfadden, Rock Hill A, 2-0
160 Jimmy Penley, Grundy A M-Dec Alfred Tabron, Northside A, 16-5
171 Jim Young, Turner Ashby A Fall Jacob Agner, Northside A, 5:15
189 Aaron Looney, Grundy A Fall B.J. Hutchinson, Northside A, 1:34
215 Charlie Newman, Turner Ashby A M-Dec Chris Clifton, Rock Hill A, 9-1
275 Jake Seitz, Vestavia Hills A Fall Matt Osborn, Northside A, 2:46


103 Damien Cook, Rock Hill A T-Fall Cameron Hurd, Northside A, 18-2
112 Brandon Hankins, Grundy A M-Dec Tyler Deacon, Northside A, 17-8
119 Travis Walk, Graham A Dec Dee Williams, Rock Hill A, 4-2
125 Corey Taylor, Northside A Dec Nick Cory, Perry Central, 8-3
130 Matt Black, North Myrtle Beach A Dec Kaleb Smith, Grundy A, 10-4
135 Andrew Lester, Shady Springs A Fall Nathan Miles, Vestavia Hills A, 3:25
140 Junio Mcconn, Alleghany A Fall Josh Mccowan, Grundy A, 5:37;OT
145 John Deadomore, Abingdon A Dec Janson Hall, Shady Springs A, 7-2
152 Tim Jones, Perry Central Dec Jesse Peery, Graham A, 10-7
160 Dave Rothgeb, Turner Ashby A Dec Aaron Modzelewski, Daniel Boone A, 8-1
171 Andy Henderson, Graham A Fall Austin Skeens, Abingdon A, 1:18
189 Jon Silverberg, North Myrtle Beach A Fall Danny Jackson, Mt. Tabor A, :49
215 Matt Lee, Grundy A Fall Josh Jones, Shady Springs A, 4:57
275 Mike Stover, Turner Ashby A M-Dec Jon Wells, Sheldon Clark A, 10-2

 5th Place

103 Matt Slone, Sheldon Clark A Dec Jonathan Neely, Rock Hill B, 8-2
112 Michael Knight, Rock Hill A Dec Reggie Jeffcoat, Rock Hill B, 9-2
119 Kaleb Bolton, Turner Ashby A Dec Matt Kroeger, Alleghany A, 1-0
125 Casey Conway, Rural Retreat A Frft Jake Hunsaker, Randolph Henry A
130 Travis Beck, Rock Hill A Fall Steven Cauley, Northside A, 3:27
135 Brandon Howard, Sheldon Clark A Frft Aaron Stiltner, Grundy A
140 David Harrison, Rural Retreat A Dec Cody Thompson, Turner Ashby A, 6-5
145 Stephen Brown, Vestavia Hills A Frft Josh Jarrett, Daniel Boone A
152 Morgan Owens, Grundy A Frft Seth Little, Turner Ashby A
160 Josh Taylor, Rock Hill A Dec Matt Stiltner, Grundy B, 3-2
171 Austin Trotman, Mt. Tabor A Dec Demarco Owens, Grundy A, 3-2
189 Matt Henley, Rural Retreat A Fall Ronnie Williams, Abingdon A, :40
215 Jeremy Hall, Shady Springs B Fall Richard Roberson, J.J. Kelly A, 2:59
275 Kevin Houchins, Richlands A Fall Andy Stiltner, Grundy A, 3:30
Tourney Contact

Preferred Educational Software
9585 Woodgate Lane
Byron IL 61010
Phone: (888) 959-2016

© 2001 - All rights reserved
 FINALS.HTM ! eA ƈ ( 8?  !A Ff (  Ӟd "0 Finals.htm77.htm77 Finals.htm 7@@ݣWE @@ݣWE  !%YREz| YREz| s8+*VPSTPRX.DLLNITA7nC:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\mailbox.pst&R D :2Team Scores
Riverview Elementary-Middle School
Agie Skeens Memorial Tournament
Team Scores
12/27/04 And 12/28/04

1. Grundy A 258.50
2. Turner Ashby A 251.00
3. Vestavia Hills A 209.50
4. Northside A 191.00
5. Rock Hill A 190.50
6. Shady Springs A 146.00
7. Abingdon A 127.50
8. Rural Retreat A 113.00
9. Graham A 98.00
10. Mt. Tabor A 79.50
11. Sheldon Clark A 76.00
12. North Myrtle Beach A 61.00
13. Alleghany A 58.00
14. Perry Central 57.00
14. (tie) Daniel Boone A 57.00
16. Richlands A 56.00
17. Rock Hill B 42.00
18. Northside B 34.50
19. Tazewell A 34.00
20. J.J. Kelly A 33.50
21. Grundy B 27.00
21. (tie) Randolph Henry A 27.00
23. Prestonsburg A 24.00
24. Northside C 23.00
25. Shady Springs B 22.00
26. Vestavia Hills B 18.00
27. Mt. Tabor B 16.00
28. Sheldon Clark B 14.00
29. North Myrtle Beach B 12.00
29. (tie) Rural Retreat B 12.00
31. Richlands B 10.00
32. Graham B 9.00
33. Alleghany B 8.00
33. (tie) J.J. Kelly B 8.00
33. (tie) Vestavia Hills C 8.00
36. J.J. Kelly C 6.00
37. Abingdon B 4.00
37. (tie) Turner Ashby B 4.00
39. Rock Hill C 1.00
40. Grundy C 0.00
40. (tie) Prestonsburg B 0.00
40. (tie) Alleghany C 0.00
40. (tie) Daniel Boone B 0.00
40. (tie) Johnson Central A 0.00
40. (tie) Johnson Central B 0.00
40. (tie) Randolph Henry B 0.00
40. (tie) Turner Ashby C 0.00
40. (tie) Mt. Tabor C 0.00
40. (tie) Sheldon Clark C 0.00
40. (tie) Johnson Central C 0.00
40. (tie) Tazewell B 0.00
40. (tie) Graham C 0.00
40. (tie) Tazewell C 0.00
Tourney Contact

Preferred Educational Software
9585 Woodgate Lane
Byron IL 61010
Phone: (888) 959-2016

© 2001 - All rights reserved
ZCTMSCORES.HTM ! eA ƈ ( 8?  !A Ff (  Ӟl @0TmScores.htm77.htm77TmScores.htm 7@@ݣWE @@ݣWE  !YREz| YREz| s8+*VPSTPRX.DLLNITA7nC:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\mailbox.pstU E ,UPlace Winners
Riverview Elementary-Middle School
Agie Skeens Memorial Tournament
Place Winners
12/27/04 And 12/28/04

 Weight: 103

1st: Devon Puriefoy, Abingdon A 4- 0
2nd: Harry Glenn, Mt. Tabor A 3- 1
3rd: Damien Cook, Rock Hill A 4- 1
4th: Cameron Hurd, Northside A 2- 2
5th: Matt Slone, Sheldon Clark A 4- 2
6th: Jonathan Neely, Rock Hill B 3- 3
 Weight: 112

1st: Rocky Alling, Vestavia Hills A 4- 0
2nd: Coty Riggleman, Turner Ashby A 3- 1
3rd: Brandon Hankins, Grundy A 4- 1
4th: Tyler Deacon, Northside A 3- 2
5th: Michael Knight, Rock Hill A 4- 2
6th: Reggie Jeffcoat, Rock Hill B 3- 3
 Weight: 119

1st: Keaton Thompson, Vestavia Hills A 4- 0
2nd: T.J. Taylor, Shady Springs A 3- 1
3rd: Travis Walk, Graham A 5- 1
4th: Dee Williams, Rock Hill A 5- 2
5th: Kaleb Bolton, Turner Ashby A 3- 2
6th: Matt Kroeger, Alleghany A 4- 3
 Weight: 125

1st: Joey Metzler, Turner Ashby A 4- 0
2nd: Kris Stiltner, Grundy A 3- 1
3rd: Corey Taylor, Northside A 5- 1
4th: Nick Cory, Perry Central 3- 2
5th: Casey Conway, Rural Retreat A 4- 2
6th: Jake Hunsaker, Randolph Henry A 2- 2
 Weight: 130

1st: Caleb Shank, Turner Ashby A 4- 0
2nd: Anthony Harvey, Shady Springs A 3- 1
3rd: Matt Black, North Myrtle Beach A 4- 1
4th: Kaleb Smith, Grundy A 5- 2
5th: Travis Beck, Rock Hill A 4- 2
6th: Steven Cauley, Northside A 3- 3
 Weight: 135

1st: Bryon Flick, Turner Ashby A 4- 0
2nd: Cameron Felty, Daniel Boone A 3- 1
3rd: Andrew Lester, Shady Springs A 5- 1
4th: Nathan Miles, Vestavia Hills A 4- 2
5th: Brandon Howard, Sheldon Clark A 3- 2
6th: Aaron Stiltner, Grundy A 2- 2
 Weight: 140

1st: Justin Chapman, Shady Springs A 4- 0
2nd: Labrent Epps, Rock Hill A 3- 1
3rd: Junio Mcconn, Alleghany A 4- 1
4th: Josh Mccowan, Grundy A 4- 2
5th: David Harrison, Rural Retreat A 3- 2
6th: Cody Thompson, Turner Ashby A 3- 3
 Weight: 145

1st: Jon Brown, Grundy A 4- 0
2nd: Steven Thompson, Prestonsburg A 3- 1
3rd: John Deadomore, Abingdon A 5- 1
4th: Janson Hall, Shady Springs A 4- 2
5th: Stephen Brown, Vestavia Hills A 3- 2
6th: Josh Jarrett, Daniel Boone A 2- 2
 Weight: 152

1st: Jake Crvich, Rural Retreat A 4- 0
2nd: Gregg Mcfadden, Rock Hill A 3- 1
3rd: Tim Jones, Perry Central 6- 1
4th: Jesse Peery, Graham A 4- 2
5th: Morgan Owens, Grundy A 3- 2
6th: Seth Little, Turner Ashby A 2- 2
 Weight: 160

1st: Jimmy Penley, Grundy A 4- 0
2nd: Alfred Tabron, Northside A 3- 1
3rd: Dave Rothgeb, Turner Ashby A 4- 1
4th: Aaron Modzelewski, Daniel Boone A 3- 2
5th: Josh Taylor, Rock Hill A 6- 2
6th: Matt Stiltner, Grundy B 4- 3
 Weight: 171

1st: Jim Young, Turner Ashby A 4- 0
2nd: Jacob Agner, Northside A 3- 1
3rd: Andy Henderson, Graham A 5- 1
4th: Austin Skeens, Abingdon A 3- 2
5th: Austin Trotman, Mt. Tabor A 3- 2
6th: Demarco Owens, Grundy A 3- 3
 Weight: 189

1st: Aaron Looney, Grundy A 4- 0
2nd: B.J. Hutchinson, Northside A 3- 1
3rd: Jon Silverberg, North Myrtle Beach A 4- 1
4th: Danny Jackson, Mt. Tabor A 3- 2
5th: Matt Henley, Rural Retreat A 4- 2
6th: Ronnie Williams, Abingdon A 3- 3
 Weight: 215

1st: Charlie Newman, Turner Ashby A 4- 0
2nd: Chris Clifton, Rock Hill A 3- 1
3rd: Matt Lee, Grundy A 4- 1
4th: Josh Jones, Shady Springs A 4- 2
5th: Jeremy Hall, Shady Springs B 4- 2
6th: Richard Roberson, J.J. Kelly A 3- 3
 Weight: 275

1st: Jake Seitz, Vestavia Hills A 4- 0
2nd: Matt Osborn, Northside A 3- 1
3rd: Mike Stover, Turner Ashby A 4- 1
4th: Jon Wells, Sheldon Clark A 3- 2
5th: Kevin Houchins, Richlands A 4- 2
6th: Andy Stiltner, Grundy A 3- 3
Tourney Contact

Preferred Educational Software
9585 Woodgate Lane
Byron IL 61010
Phone: (888) 959-2016

© 2001 - All rights reserved
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