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98 24 Entries
Championship: Willie Holst (Wisconsin) TF Sterling Oglesby (Wyoming) 11-1.
3rd Place: Cheney Haight (Utah) TF Sammy Vigil (Colorado) 11-1.
5th Place: Roberto Martinez (California) pin Brock Zollinger (Idaho) 4:51.
7th Place: J.W. Bykowsky (New Jersey) pin Dom Schomberg (Wisconsin) :28

Virginia Results

No Entries

105.5 41 Entries
Championship: Eric Stevenson (Oregon) pin Darryl Spackman (Utah) 3:07.
3rd Place: Luke Smith (Wisconsin) pin Robert Ariaza (Arizona) :55
5th Place: Justin Perch (Oregon) dec. Luke Metzler (Kansas) 10-8.
7th Place: Mike Wilding (Idaho) TF  Rob Dearwester (Ohio) 14-3.

Virginia Results

Daniel Vucci lost by tech fall Mike  Wilding (Idaho) 15-4
(1-2) won by tech fall Jeff Graham (Oregon) 10-0.
lost by dec. Cory Husher (Missour) 8-1. ELIMINATED.
Ronnie Bartolo lost by fall Ricky Farmer (Washington) 1:44.
(2-2) won by fall Sammy Bonasso (West Virginia) :38.
won by fall Travis Allen (Kansas) 3:30.
lost by fall Justin Perch (Oregon) 3:42. ELIMINATED.

114.5 57 Entries
Championship: Joe Espinoza (California) dec. Shawn Bunch (Kansas) 9-4.
3rd Place: Nate Piasecki (Wisconsin) dec. Travis Lee (Hawaii) 8-3.
5th Place: Todd Meneely (Nebraska) dec.  Ethan Kyle (Missouri) 10-2.
7th Place: Nate Gallick (Arizona) TF  Jim Collins (Pennsylvania) 18-6.

Virginia Results

Lamont Watkins won by tech fall Kevin Gaughan (Connecticut) 10-0.
(2-2) won by tech fall Kurt Deeren (Wisconsin) 12-0.
lost by fall Shawn Bunch (Kansas) :46.
lost by tech fall Ethan Kyle (Missouri) 13-3. ELIMINATED.
Eric Hawes lost by tech fall Matt Donofrio (Pennsylvania) 10-0.
(2-2) won by tech fall Neal Nakagamis (Maryland) 11-1.
won by fall Jeremy McKinney (North Carolina) 1:34.
lost by fall Leo Bugaj (Oklahoma) 4:11. ELIMINATED.

123 77 Entries
Championship: Cam Jones (Utah) dec. Clint Wolfley (Idaho) 9-2.
3rd Place: Chris Fleeger (Pennsylvania) TF Brandon Lauer (Maryland) 10-0.
5th Place: Efren Ceballos (California) pin Eli Dominguez (Iowa) 1:58.
7th Place: Tom Vargas (California) pin Skyler Woods (Nevada) 1:02.

Virginia Results

David Friedman won by fall  Jack Hammond (Indiana) 5:19.
(2-2) won by fall Tommy Hissong (Idaho) 1:10.
lost by tech fall Efren Ceballos (California) 13-0.
lost by tech fall Bubba Smith (Oklahoma) 13-3. ELIMINATED.
Doug Kittell lost by dec. Perry Kuntz (Minnesota) 11-8, OT.
(2-2) won by fall Matt Pearson (Illinois) 5:51.
won by tech fall Morgan Taylor (Utah) 12-2
lost by dec. Skyler Woods (Nevada) 14-7. ELIMINATED.
Patrick Louka won by fall  Jeff Tabor (Kansas).
(1-2) lost by dec. Chris Acree (Illinois) 19-18.
lost by inj. default Eli Dominquiez (Iowa). ELIMINATED.

132 103 Entries
Championship: Harry Lester (Ohio) TF Mark Jayne (Ohio) 11-0, :47.
3rd Place: Dusty Spalding (Kansas) dec. Matt Gentry (Oregon) 5-2.
5th Place: Brad Metzler (Nebraska) dec. Dustin Tillman (California) 5-4.
7th Place: Joe Henning (Wisconsin) TF Kelly Pederson (Minnesota) 10-0.

Virginia Results

Richie Pariseault lost by tech fall Brad Metzler (Nebraska) 11-0.
(1-2) won by dec.Garret Miyake (Oregon) 9-4.
lost by tech fall Ryan Mackin (Maryland) 12-1. ELIMINATED.
Brian Lyttle won by tech fall Travis Kowalski (Michigan) 16-6.
(1-2) lost by dec. Mike Welch (Delaware) 4-3.
lost by tech fall Mark Jayne (Ohio) 10-0. ELIMINATED.
Tripp Seed won by dec.  Adam Nehring (Kansas) 7-4.
(3-2) won by fall Preston Spellman (Colorado) :54.
won by tech fall Joseph Walker (North Carolina) 12-1.
lost by tech fall Dustin Tilliman (California) 10-0.
lost by tech fall Daniel Green (Oklahoma) 10-0. ELIMINATED. 

143 91 Entries
Championship: Matt Nagel (Minnesota) TF  Josh Yetzer (Ohio) 10-0.
3rd Place: Nate Yetzer (Ohio) dec.  Kasey Kohl (Nebraska) 9-2.
5th Place: Jake Rueker (Nebraska) dec.  Eric Keith (Indiana) 10-6.
7th Place: Robb Maxwell (Utah) dec. Phil Reidman (North Dakota) 9-4

Virginia Results

Mike Novak lost by tech fall  Dave Edwards (New York) 12-1.
(0-2) lost by tech fall Billy Upham (Kansas) 11-0. ELIMINATED.
E.J. Edelman lost by tech fall Casey Roddis (Illinios) 11-0.
(1-2) won by dec. Ryan Medelez (Oregon) 7-3.
lost by fall Rocky Cote (Montana) :43. ELIMINATED.
Will Carroll lost by fall Thad Benton (Pennsylvania) 4:25.
(0-2) lost by dec. Eric Mullen (New York) 8-6.
Jay Wolman won by tech fall Chandler Belaston (Florida) 16-6.
(2-2) lost by tech fall Patrick Sharp (Utah) 11-1.
won by dec. Michael Escobedo (Indiana) 6-4.
lost by tech fall Kyle Krusemark (Oklahoma) 13-3. ELIMINATED.

154 105 Entries
Championship: Kenneth Cook (California) TF Jason Woodall (Pennsylvania) 11-0.
3rd Place: Paul Carlson (Minnesota) TF  James Woodall (Pennsylvania) 12-2.
5th Place: Mark Mueller (Iowa) dec. Cody Koenig (Iowa) 6-5, OT.
7th Place: James Kish (Minnesota) pin Chris Henry (Illinois) 5:52.

Virginia Results

Keith Williams-Parker lost by tech fall Sam Parker (Iowa) 11-0.
(2-2) won by tech fall Jeff Ott (West Virginia) 12-2
won by dec. Adam Colver (Oklahoma) 6-5.
lost by dec. Keith Kroeger (California) 10-1. ELIMINATED.
Chris Ward won by fall  Mark Gardner (North Dakota) 1:41
(3-2) won by tech fall Louis Santore (Florida) 14-2.
won by dec. Ben Gilliand (Washington) 8-4.
lost by dec. Ryan Hlinak (Illinois) 12-6.
lost by tech fall Chris Borchart (Wisconsin) 11-0. ELMINATED

165 82 Entries
Championship: Josh McLay (Minnesota) dec.  Luke Larwin (Oregon) 5-0.
3rd Place: Darin Harris (Utah) dec. Matt Herrington (New York) 6-5.
5th Place: Brad Tupa (Minnesota) TF Dan Pitsch (Washington) 11-0.
7th Place: Zach Doll (Pennsylvania) pin  Chris Lopez (California) 2:16.

Virginia Results

Daniel Wasson won by dec. Willie Bebber (Colorado) 8-2.
(1-2) lost by fall Aaron Daiton (Nebraska) 1:24.
lost by tech fall Chris Lopez (California) 11-0. ELIMINATED.
Michael Karam  lost by tech fall Kris Oros (Pennsylvania) 13-3.
(1-2) won by fall Scott White (Arizona) 3:59.
lost by fall Brain Rigby (Delaware) 2:56. ELIMINATED.
Ryan Lenhardt lost by tech fall Brad Tupa (Minnesota) 10-0.
(1-2) won by dec. Ryan Beard (Indiana) 8-7, OT.
lost by tech fall Adam Fellers (Iowa) 10-0. ELIMINATED.
Jacob Lauder lost by tech fall Ryan Aldrich (Indiana) 12-0
(0-2) lost by tech fall T.J. Salb (Maryland) 15-4. ELIMINATED.

178 67 Entries
Championship: Jordan Holm (Minnesota) dec. Drew Hageman (Oregon) 1-1, OT criteria.
3rd Place: Justin Millard (Pennsylvania) dec.  Quint Swanberg (Arizona) 3-1, OT
5th Place: George Kirgan (Illinios) dec. Lee Kraemer (Wisconsin) 3-2.
7th Place: Ryan Halsey (California) TF Rudy Medini (New Jersey) 12-2.

Virginia Results

Tomas Ovalle won by tech fall Jim Latoski (Colorado) 11-0.
(3-2) won by tech fall Josh Decker (Washington) 10-0.
won by fall Gus Martenes (Minnesota).
lost by dec. Travis Frick (Pennsylvania) 3-2.
lost by tech fall George Kirgan (Illinois) 15-4. ELIMINATED.
Justin Capone won by inj. default Cole Strandemo (North Dakota)
(3-2) won by fall Zac Hess (Oklahoma) :44.
won by fall Mark Lucas (Nebraska) 1:09.
lost by tech fall Quint Swanberg (Arizona) 11-0, 5:58.
lost by tech fall Rudy Medini (New Jersey) 21-7. ELIMINATED.

191.5 53 Entries
Championship: Paul Velecki (Pennsylvania) dec. Luke Kolo (Wisconsin) 5-4.
3rd Place: Chris Skretkowicz (New Jersey) dec. Ryan Kirst (Ohio) 7-5.
5th Place: K.C. Walsh (Washington) dec. Nathan Moore (Indiana) 6-4.
7th Place: Antonio Harris (Delaware) default Alex Lammers (Ohio) 0:00.

Virginia Results

Matt Wright lost by fall Chris Parris (New York) 1:34
(0-2) lost by fall Mike Stevens (California) :44. ELIMINATED.

220 52 Entries
Championship: Mike Faust (Maryland) dec. Jordan Everett (California) 5-2, OT.
3rd Place: Jon Gregg (New York) dec. Max Lossen (Minnesota) 5-0.
5th Place: Marcio Bothelo (California) pin Matthew Feast (Pennsylvania) 2:11.
7th Place: Billy Linane (Florida) pin R.C. Johnson (Minnesota) 2:32.

Virginia Results

David Clarke lost by dec.  Karl Person (Oklahoma) 15-7.
(1-2) won by dec. Justin Baker (Indiana) 7-5.
lost by tech fall Jim Stanley (New Jersey) 13-2. ELIMINATED.

HWT 52 Entries
Championship: Jeremiah Beltran (Kansas) dec. Cain Velasquez (Arizona) 5-3.
3rd Place: Dan Howe (California) dec. Joe Hennis (Florida) 9-3.
5th Place: Matt Hasbrook (Indiana) pin Devin Kraege (Wisconsin) :54.
7th Place: Adam Patino (California) pin Neil Phillips (Oklahoma) 1:12.

Virginia Results

Chris Bulley won by tech fall Shane Clayborn (Idaho) 11-1
(2-2) lost by fall Adam Patino (California) 1:30.
won by fall William Hopkins (Pennsylvania) :11
lost by fall Devin Krague (Wisconsin) 1:49. ELIMINATED.